Thursday, October 31, 2019

Sheesha smoking Dissertation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

Sheesha smoking - Dissertation Example It also makes an attempt to reveal the factors that work behind Shisha smoking and encourage this within the society. Also the paper vouches for legal regulation towards Shisha smoking and tries to increase the awareness level of the common people regarding the same. Introduction There is a universal consensus on the dangers posed by tobacco in cigarette. It has been established by many studies that cigarette smoking is indeed injurious to health. Cigarette smoking has been directly linked to many cases of lung cancer. Studies have shown cancerous diseases such as lung cancer is strongly linked to smoking cigarettes and causes around 87% of death worldwide, (Parkin et al 2005). Therefore, it is not wrong to assume smoking tobacco related diseases have reached an epidemic scale. The scale and the problems associated with smoking have always been noted in epidemiological research (Siegel, 2007). However, the social phenomenon of its severity has recently been highlighted due to several reasons, mainly due to increase in mortality rates. Unfortunately, not all forms of tobacco smoking have been subjected to the same regulations (policies) and health campaigns as cigarette smoking. Unlike cigarette smokers, Shisha smokers are unaware of the ill effects of smoking Shisha. ... The frequent instances of minors below 18 years indulging in Shisha smoking might be a reflection of this lack in awareness. (Barton, Chassin and Sherman, 1982) Furthermore smoking cigarettes outweighs the other forms of smoking by quite a large margin, that has also resulted in less concern and awareness towards other forms of smoking such as Shisha.(Chaaya,2004) According to the World Health Organization the health risk associated with Shisha smoking is even worse than that of cigarette, yet it is not adequately highlighted (WHO, 2005). This lack of acknowledgement from the authorities regarding the health hazard Shisha poses makes the case even worse. Till date there are no health warnings or regulations on Shisha, even though it presents dangerous implications. Lack of regulations or warning reinstate the false idea Shisha smokers have about the effects of Shisha on health (Feng et al, 2007) A description of the Shisha is as follows: It consists of a vase filled with water, to wh ich a vertical metal pipe that has a clay pot on top is attached. The tobacco substances are placed and burned with charcoal in the clay pot. The smoke is then filtered through water and inhaled through the hose. (see appendix 1) Shisha is an ancient form of smoking tobacco. It was traditionally widely used in Africa and Asia (Chattopadhyay, 2000). It is increasingly evolving world wide, especially in Europe and America. The factors that are contributing to this dramatic spread of Shisha might be due to the global integration and the myth and perception of Shisha being less harmful. Contrary to this ancient traditional philosophy, Shisha contains numerous toxic substance and gases known to cause lung

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Philosophy of life Essay Example for Free

Philosophy of life Essay What is the meaning of life? The answer to this question has sought over since mankind became capable of exercising their brain capacity past a level of primal instinct. In general life is rather meaningless, we all simply exist together on this planet. But before one dwells on the pointlessness of human existence, they should think about the purpose of each individual person in our society. We create goals for ourselves; we all have a role to play in our society. In a sense, we choose our future and in doing so, give ourselves a purpose to live. The purpose of human existence in general may be absent, but in our society and through our goals and achievements, I believe each individual creates their own purpose. Through one question I realized this great truth: what do you want to be when you grow up? For the longest time, I didn’t know what I wanted to be when I grew up. What did it matter to me anyway? I was a kid (well, I suppose I still am) and didn’t like any of the generic jobs they told us about in elementary school. Police force, teachers, fireman, none of them interested me. Then, in middle school, my life changed, a lot. I got completely new friends, after the old ones left me behind. I slowly started to become more and more enclosed, I spent most of my time out of school alone. As I developed into this over-dramatic teenage state, life suddenly became meaningless. I would often find myself sitting bored in my room, mindlessly surfing the internet or playing videogames. I slowly started to hate it; it was like I could feel my brain melting inside my head. I needed to find a more constructive hobby, and so I found myself musical instruments and started creating more and more music every day. Music became my life and from then on, I knew that my goal, the meaning of my life, was to become a musician. I believe that life was meant to be enjoyed; nobody wants to spend their life in a dead end job. After all, just how much meaning is in an unhappy life? Just ask Monty Python’s John Cleese, who states, â€Å"If I had not gone into Monty Python, I probably would have stuck to my original plan to graduate and become a chartered accountant, or perhaps a barrister lawyer, and gotten a nice house in the suburbs with a nice wife and kids, and gotten a country club membership, and then I would have killed myself. † I find this quote strongly inspiring because instead of choosing a highly respectable, well paying job and living a comfortable life, he choose to work with some of most popular men to ever wear woman’s clothing. Comedy is what he finds gives meaning to his life, and although his second choices would have been nice, Cleese didn’t find as much value in them as he did in Monty Python. Perhaps life itself is meaningless, but I believe it doesn’t have to be. I believe that a happy life is a meaningful one. I believe that mankind may not collectively have a reason for existence or a common goal, but each individual certainly does. I believe that each and every person has to create their own reason to live, instead of waiting for that reason to come to them, or they must just find themselves waiting forever.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Character Analysis Of Hamlet

Character Analysis Of Hamlet Hamlet is very brave in that he does not fear a challenge. Hamlet at times can prove to be very cautious, at times he thinks when he should act, however when you are king there can be advisors for such matters. Beware Of entrance to a quarrel; but being in, Beart that the opposed may beware of thee. Give every man thy ear, but few thy voice; Take each mans censure, but reserve thy judgment. Costly thy habit as thy purse can buy, But not expressd in fancy; rich, not gaudy; For the apparel oft proclaims the man. (William Shakespeare, Hamlet, Act 1 Scene 3) Many times in history leaders should have thought, when instead they acted on impulse, for example Odysseus, from The Odyssey when he and his men escaped the island of the Cyclops instead of tucking his tail and being happy with his slight victory after taking numerous loses, he instead taunted the Cyclops and brought harm near his crew and to himself. For Odysseus did not know that the father of this monster was the water god Poseid on. Odysseus like all heroes, his main downfall was hubris, and because Hamlet thinks so before he acts he avoids mistakes like this adding to his attributes as a good leader. He can also be as brave as Hercules, for instance when he travels to see the Ghost of his father for the first time, he could have sunk back and ran from the very sight of it, but instead he ran after it and confronted the Ghost and demanded answers. He did not fear what he could not understand as his companions that accompanied him did, instead he was assertive and got to the bottom of the matter. Another account when Hamlet showed quick thinking and bravery was when he intercepted a letter from his Uncle Claudius to the King of England ordering the death of Hamlet on his arrival to England, instead of running and hiding Hamlet used his wits and changed the letter from his head to be had to that of his deliverers. Then in a challenge of swords by Laretes, known to be one of the very best swordsman in his land , Hamlet does not back down. Hamlet takes the challenge head on proving his worth in battle. The fact that Hamlet is his fathers son is very important, he was there behind his father always watching and observing how a king did and should behave, he saw his fathers bravery and his mistakes and Hamlet could use all these experiences to make himself a better king even better than his father. He is of a bloodline of kings, a tradition that is to be kept and Hamlet would have been next in line. The job of taking the throne was in his blood when he assumed the responsibility, ready or not he would have known what to do. There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so. (William Shakespeare, Hamlet, Act 2 scene 2) Hamlet portrayed loyalty to his country his father and his mother. He even showed love and loyalty to his mother after he found out the role she took part in aiding Claudius to take the life of her first husband, the king and take the throne and her bed. She knowingly lay in bed with the man that killed her husband the king and Hamlet still loved and forgave her. He became angry with her at times but his loyalty was not shaken. He showed an immense amount of loyalty to one person unwaveringly throughout the play, Horatio. Horatio was Hamlets confidant and best friend throughout much of the play Horatio was the only person that Hamlet could truly trust. Horatio was the only man that did not play pawn to the king in an attempt to change and alter the feelings of Hamlet in the matters of his fathers death and his new uncle-father-in-law. Hamlets ultimate allegiance lied with his father, his father asked Hamlet to avenge his death by any means necessary and if it meant to slander his nam e or the name of his family so be, it or if it ultimately meant death then he shied away from that neither. Neither a borrower nor a lender be; For loan oft loses both itself and friend, And borrowing dulls the edge of husbandry. This above all: to thine own self be true, And it must follow, as the night the day, Thou canst not then be false to any man. (William Shakespeare, Hamlet, Act 1 scene 1) Hamlet attended the University of Wittenberg and he was not there just as a noble trophy he learned and he was a highly educated man. Throughout much of the play Hamlet is drunk with anger, vengeance and sorrow, and these emotions clouded his mind and altered his actions. While Hamlet was not himself at times and he would say things that many thought off the wall or out of the ordinary, his next words could make complete sense and be beautifully stated. Hamlet showed his intelligence by expressing his thoughts and feelings on complex ideas such as; life and death, humanity, human nature, and light and dark. To be, or not to be: that is the question: Whether tis nobler in the mind to suffer. The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, Or to take arms against a sea of troubles, And by opposing end them? To die: to sleep: No more; and by a sleep to say we end The heartache and the thousand natural shocks That flesh is heir to,t is a consummation Devoutly to be wishd. To die, to sleep; To sleep: perchance to dream: ay, theres the rub: For in that sleep of death what dreams may come, When we have shuffled off this mortal coil, Must give us pause: theres the respect That makes calamity of so long life; For who would bear the whips and scorns of time, The oppressors wrong, the proud mans contumely, The pangs of despised love, the laws delay, The insolence of office and the spurns That patient merit of the unworthy takes, When he himself might his quietus make With a bare bodkin? who would fardels bear, To grunt and sweat under a weary life, But that the dread of something after death, The undiscoverd country from whose bourn No travel er returns, puzzles the will And makes us rather bear those ills we have Than fly to others that we know not of? Thus conscience does make cowards of us all; And thus the native hue of resolution Is sicklied oer with the pale cast of thought, And enterprises of great pith and moment With this regard their currents turn awry, And lose the name of action. (William Shakespeare, Hamlet, Act 3 scene 1) Hamlet loves his country and in return his country loves him, he would without a doubt have the faith and respect of his country. Respect, a very important aspect to a relationship, every relationship that is to work must have respect. The love shown to him by his country may very well have kept Hamlet alive throughout much of the play. In the play before his fathers death everyone in Denmark wanted to be with or more like Hamlet, he was a national icon. After the death of Hamlets father the nation wept for him and showed him pity, for they loved their prince. In the prince was the faith of the people. Claudius became the king through the act of treason, killed his brother and committed other crimes like incest that would question his ability to serve as a good king. That does not mean he is incapable of serving as a true leader but there is evidence that he may be prone to corruption. Claudius had the desire to be king and he had some of the basic traits of a good leader but that was not enough to get him through. Claudius like Macbeth suffers from similar evils, they kill the king to become king and the only thing that becomes of their advancement is lies, murder and destruction. They are not able to even enjoy their spoils because the unsolved murder looms over their heads and rains down upon them a shower of lies and blood that haunt their dreams. Shakespeare follows a trend in his plays there is a pot stirrer in each of the plays in Macbeth it was Macduff, always from the start questioning Macbeths loyalty and kingship, and then in Hamlet it was the Prince Hamlet that would no t let the issue of the murder of his father leave the forefront of Claudius mind leaving him forever unsettled. When sorrows come, they come not single spies, but in battalions. (William Shakespeare, Hamlet, Claudius, Scene V) In comparison to Hamlet, Odysseus is clearly a hero, especially when he faces moral dilemmas and chooses not to fall prey to his temptations. He makes decisions that would characterize him as a hero when he chooses hardship and death with his family. My lady goddess, here is no cause for anger. My quiet Penelope-how well I know- Would seem a shade before your majesty, Death and old age being unknown to you, While she must die. Yet, it is true, each day I long for home, long for the sight of home. If any god has marked me out again For shipwreck, my tough heart can undergo it. What hardship have I not long since endured At sea, in battle! Let the trial come. The question that presents itself is, is Odysseus a good leader or a good king in Odysseus case they work separately. Odysseus is a ruler of his lands but he is never there to rule his lands or his people. He instead embarked on quests to gain glory and honor, these were self-fulfilling ambitions. A kings stead is in his people, a king must be self-less and but his peoples best interest before his own if he wished to be a good king. He was not out fighting for his people, his land or his family but he was seeking glory, a goal that solely benefitted him. Odysseus was not present, not meaning that he did not care, or at times he wanted to return more than anything but it was simple, he was not present to rule, not making him an ideal king. As Odysseuss rule as a leader of his crew of men, he had their utmost respect and they trusted him and served him above all to the death. Odysseus put his men before himself in certain situations but at other times he used his men as mere pawns to reach his goal. For instance when Odysseus returned home and found the suitors battling for his wifes heart, instead of taking action and taking back his home and family he played with them and toyed with them as if he played a game chess. Macbeth above all else showed a burning desire to be king, so strong was his desire that he would kill for it. If chance will have me king, why, chance may crown me. (Macbeth, Act I, Scene 3) Aside from this Macbeth was a liar a murderer and a dark cloud of his actions followed him wherever he went. Macbeth was lost to a spiral out of control of his actions, lies compounded more lies and to cover his tracks he had to kill and to cover that up he had to lie and kill another until the process needed to be repeated, never ending.

Friday, October 25, 2019

The Relationship Between Business and Government Essay -- Business Man

Relationship between Government and Business in the United States The government’s position is to ensure that citizens do not suffer harm resulting from business operations, such as selling tainted food or preparing foods in unsanitary conditions, causing ecological harm, or dealing unscrupulously in financial matters. As the government grows, government regulation, taxation, and spending has been beneficial for businesses (Carney, 2006). Businesses prefer the government eliminate regulates and government watchdogs so they can continue to operation in a fashion that would increase their profits. Most business leaders believe the government is excessively involvement with how businesses operate. A poll taken in 2005, found 90% of Americans believed that large businesses had great influence over the government. The CEO’s of large corporations are able to have personal meetings with senators and cabinet secretaries to discuss their position and influence their decision-making (Carney, 2006). Since the Obama Administration, the government is interacting directly with businesses to ensure that they are being fiscally responsible so as not to negatively impact the American citizens. President Obama had to intervene on behalf of Wall Street, automotive companies and the banking industry by means of stimulus package to avoid an economic depression for the country. Both businesses and the government need to work together to ensure the citizens receive the greatest protection in all issues, to include health and safety, defense, economics and environmental protection. The relationship between government and business is crucial and critical if American is to remain successful. Government will have to lay aside its bipar... ...cles/cpr28n4-1.html Federal Trade Commission, (n.d.). Protecting America’s consumers. Retrieved from http:// Goodell, J. (2010). As the World Burns. Rolling Stone, 1096, 30-45, 62. http://search.proquest. Machan,T. (1988). Government regulation of business: The moral arguments. The Freeman,38 (7). Retrieved from -business-the-moral-arguments/ Milkin Institute Global Conference (2009). The new relationship between government and business. Retrieved from detail&EvID=1957&eventid=gc09 National Center for Smart Growth Research and Education. (2008). Retrieved from http://www.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Effects of Academic Dishonesty on Higher Education Essay

Academic dishonesty is a vice that is plaguing higher education in today’s society. While lecturers and exam invigilators always seem to be a step behind in catching the culprits, the techniques being invented by the students to beat the system can almost be viewed with grim fascination. The emphasis that has been put on higher education when it comes to job status has totally skewed the moral compass of students and people who were of â€Å"respected character† in their high schools are usually at pains when explaining why the chose to cheat; this is usually after they are caught. The challenges being presented to the young boys and girls in our corridors of higher learning can be tackled the same way these students made the grades in high school. It’s all about commitment and hard work. (Anderman et al, 2007) Reasons for Cheating Students will cheat if they are not adequately prepared or if they believe regardless of their understanding of the course content, they are just not going to pass. Looking at the first reason, failure to adequately prepare for a CAT or an exam yet one has been given all the material can only be blamed on one’s negligence. On the second reason, the students may have reason to believe that there will be a disconnect between the questions being asked and the material they have studied. They could base their suspicions on the previous practices of these particular lecturer or they just do not have faith on the content they have been taught. This rarely happens but what students do not understand is it is not the lecturer’s role to â€Å"spoon-feed† them in the entire course outline. One of the expectations society has on graduates is that one should at least be able to conduct a research independently. Part of the content would therefore not be given in class and the lecturer will expect the students to conduct their own fact-finding missions. Therefore, one should not vilify a lecturer for asking a question that one wasn’t familiar with before looking at the course outline. (Callahan, 2004) Plagiarism, Fabrication and Deception The kind of cheating looked at above focuses on exam-based mode of evaluations. Research work conducted by students or even university faculty has not been spared this vice either. This kind of cheating is characterized by plagiarism, fabrication and deception. Plagiarism is the most common especially with undergraduate students. The internet has proved to be quite resourceful with information about pretty much anything being just a mouse click away. Stiff penalties like being expelled or suspended from the university do exist but there are still a few brave souls who believe they can get away with it. When one moves to the post-graduate and doctorate levels, cases of plagiarism are quite minimal. Having one’s name tarnished with plagiarism is a tag that will follow you for the rest of your career. (Bowman, 2004, p 25) The few cases of academic dishonesty reported usually arise from intentionally presenting false data. Research work is a time consuming process that can take months and even years. It can be quite unfortunate if at the end of your research, the experimental results do not match your hypothesis. Occasionally, some people prefer to fabricate their results instead of repeating the entire process or admitting that their research was inconclusive. You might get away with it if the experts in that particular field are few but the fall-out that would follow when you are discovered has proven to be the greatest deterrent. (Bowman, 2004) Studies in the Unites States show that â€Å"70% of students in high school have cheated† (Anderman et al, 2007) meaning that this vice was not suddenly acquired when these students joined university. It has moved to a point where when students are caught cheating, they are probably mad at themselves because they were caught instead of having remorse. The likelihood that you might actually be caught should be the greatest deterrent to cheating; not the penalty received after you are caught. You will only worry about the penalty if you are not sure whether you will get away with it. (Anderman et al, 2007) Effects on Higher Education Cheating has a negative effect on higher education in that the entire credibility of the system is questioned. Take for instance a student who actively cheated during his time at a particular business school somehow sneaks through the cracks in the system and is employed in the job market. Research has shown a majority of people caught practicing unsound business practices like embezzling of funds most likely participated in academic dishonesty during their time in university. The embarrassment such a person will bring to their learning institution is immeasurable. Furthermore, the credibility of students who passed through this business school will also be brought into question. It is fair to say that a looted business enterprise will think twice before employing someone from that disgraced business school. Majority of universities rely on grants and research funds to run their expensive programs. While funds from local authorities, student fees or even the federal government might be enough to run some programs, a large majority of courses rely on huge cash returns that research programs produce. All this can change if the entire higher education system is brought into disrepute due to widespread cases of cheating. Currently, few universities dare to admit that the problem is more widespread than it is reported. They are aware of the vice and admit to it being prevalent mostly in the undergraduate level. Today, the cost of hiring a university to perform a research on your behalf is a luxury enjoyed by companies or institutions that can afford the high costs. The justification for these high costs is attributed to the level of skill required to conduct this research; and this skills can only be found at our institutions of higher learning. This house of cards could probably come tumbling down if the current levels of academic dishonesty continue persisting. The research work will continue but the revenue being generated will decline. Interested parties will argue that the widespread cases of cheating in your university do not justify the excessive research fees being charged. (Callahan, 2004, p 72) Most academic scholars will never admit it but the prestige that comes with obtaining qualifications from a recognized institution of higher learning played a part when they decided to pursue higher education. Rock stars and established sportsmen and women keep returning to universities to finish their degree courses regardless of the amount of wealth they have amassed. It’s not like getting a degree guarantees you a better life insurance package or longer life expectancy; it is what the degree represents. Ironically, cheaters also realize this. A university degree is a rubberstamp of knowledge in today’s society. Some siblings have complained that their fellow brothers or sisters are held in higher regard by their parents or relatives just because they attended a university (a prestigious one). Is this system fair? Yes it is because being selected to join a university and successfully completing one’s course is not an easy affair. I believe those who have managed this feat deserve every accolade they receive. All this good is however eroded by cases of academic dishonesty. Such people end up tarnishing the names of the institutions plus the people who will pass through its corridors long after they are gone. There is a class system in every society and a large majority of them are segregated by wealth accrued or the level of education attained. Without getting into the pros and cons of a society divided by class, the reality is in every society there will have to be leaders and followers; you cannot have both. A person’s education status has been a barometer for today’s leader. Changing this due to some inept practices of some students who were caught with crib notes does seem far-fetched but is plausible if the problem becomes endemic. (Bowman, 2004, p 26) Conclusion At its current â€Å"manageable levels† academic dishonesty needs to be wiped out since it does affect the morale of students who have chosen to walk the straight path yet they are lagging behind their counterparts who are cheating. The prestige of higher education will be preserved only if its members respect its ideals and principles. Unfortunately, it is these same members who are destroying the system but the buck still stops with them in repairing the tarnished image. (Callahan, 2004, p 78) References Anderman E M, Murdock T B (2007) Psychology of Academic Cheating. Amsterdam; Boston, Elsevier Academic Press, pp 15-18 Bowman V, ed. (2004) The plagiarism plague: A resource guide and CD-ROM tutorial for educators and librarians, New York: Neal-Schuman Publishers, pp 25-26 Callahan, D (2004) The cheating culture: Why more Americans are doing wrong to get Ahead, Orlando, FL: Harcourt. Hayden & West Stacks, pp 69-78

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

How to Convert an Adjective to an Adverb

How to Convert an Adjective to an Adverb How to Convert an Adjective to an Adverb How to Convert an Adjective to an Adverb By Mark Nichol How do you determine whether the adverbial form of an adjective should end in -ly or -ally? For most adjectives, the reason to use -ally, rather than -ly, is that you’re adding -ly to a noun plus the inflection -al, which forms the adjective, as in emotionally, musically, or traditionally. You’re starting with emotion, music, or tradition, converting the noun to an adjective (emotional, musical, or traditional), and then adding -ly. But this process isn’t consistent. The adjectival form of romance is romantic, not romantical, nor are academical or sarcastical adjectival forms. But you can distinguish these exceptions by noting that the noun form of these words is not the word minus -al; those forms are the adjectival ones, and the noun forms are irregular: Romantic is derived from romance, not romant; academic comes from academy, not academ; and sarcastic stems from sarcasm, not sarcast. A generalization is that -ally follows words that end with the letter c; however, the adverbial form of public is publicly, not publically, and there may be other exceptions. In addition, some words bereft of the letter c, like sentimentally, are anomalously constructed. Note, too, that other major parts of speech include words that end in -ly: for example, the nouns ally and bully, the adjectives friendly and lonely, and the verbs apply and supply. (Also, adjectives ending in -ly have no adverbial form.) To summarize, if an adjective ends in -al, append -ly to produce its adverbial form. If an adjective does not end in -al, attach -ly without inserting -al first to transform it into an adverb. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Grammar category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:When to use "on" and when to use "in"Hyper and Hypo45 Idioms About the Number One

Monday, October 21, 2019

Composite Numbers What Are They How Can You Spot Them

Composite Numbers What Are They How Can You Spot Them SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips Do you know the difference between prime and composite numbers? If not, don’t worry! You’ve come to the right place. In this post, we’ll talk about what prime and composite numbers are and give you a handy chart you can use to quickly see if something is a composite number. What Is a Composite Number? Composite numbers are whole numbers that are greater than 1 and divisible by other whole numbers. Here are the questions to ask yourself to decide if a number is composite: Is the number a whole number? Is the number greater than 1? Is the number divisible by whole numbers other than itself? Let’s apply those questions to two different numbers to see if they are composite or not. Take the number â€Å"4†. 4 is a whole number. It is greater than 1. You can divide 4 by 4. You can also divide 4 by 2, so it’s divisible by other whole numbers. That means 4 is a composite number. Let’s look at the number â€Å"3†. 3 is a whole number. It’s greater than 1. You can divide 3 by 3. But, you can’t divide 3 by any other whole numbers. That means 3 isn’t a composite number. How to Tell the Difference Between Prime and Composite Numbers If a number isn’t composite, then it’s prime. Prime numbers are numbers that are greater than 1 that are only divisible by themselves and the number 1. The best way to tell if a number is prime or composite is to perform the divisibility test. When you use the divisibility test, you check to see if a number is divisible by common prime factors, like 2, 3, 5, 7, ,and 13. If you’re testing an even number, start by trying to divide it by 2 to see if it’s composite. If you’re testing a number that ends with 0 or 5, try to divide it by 5. If you get a whole number when dividing by any of these common factors, then your number is composite. If you get a fraction or decimal when dividing by these common factors, then your number is likely prime. Composite Number Chart (1-100) Here is a handy composite number list to reference. All of the numbers in blue are composite numbers. Prime Number Chart (1-100) Here’s an easy-to-reference prime number list. All of the numbers in red are prime numbers. Final Thoughts It’s important to know whether a number is prime or composite so you can understand whether or not the number is divisible. Remember, ask yourself these questions to tell if a number is a composite number or not: Is the number a whole number? Is the number greater than 1? Is the number divisible by whole numbers other than itself? What’s Next? Writing a research paper for school but not sure what to write about?Our guide to research paper topicshas over 100 topics in ten categories so you can be sure to find the perfect topic for you. Learning about natural logs?Check out our guide on the natural log rules you must knowto ace this subject. What is dynamic equilibrium and what does it have to do with rusty cars?Find out by reading ourcomplete guide to dynamic equilibrium.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Webvan Firm Analysis

Webvan Firm Analysis Introduction Webvan is an online firm that deals with packaging, selling, and delivery of grocery products. The firm was established in 1996 under the leadership of Louis Borders. Borders’ vision was to establish a customer-focused grocery firm. The firm’s objective was to increase its customer base by nurturing a high level of customer satisfaction (McAfee and Ashiya 1).Advertising We will write a custom report sample on Webvan Firm Analysis specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More One of the ways through which the firm intended to achieve this goal entailed simplifying the consumers’ purchasing process. The firm intended to achieve a high level of effectiveness and efficiency in its operations. For example, Webvan ensured that orders were delivered within thirty minutes. Its efficiency regarding product delivery was facilitated by the fact that the firm established a number of distribution centres. Problem identificatio n In a bid to achieve its vision, Webvan adopted the concept of online marketing. Webvan intended to exploit the niche market that is arising from the growth in the Internet and the high rate at which consumers are purchasing products online. The firm invested heavily in infrastructure, but it did not focus on marketing, which led to low sales. Consequently, the firm’s online model was adversely affected. This paper evaluates the problems faced by Webvan coupled with how they can be resolved in order to reposition the firm as a strong online company. Inherent complexities in Webvan’s business model Despite Webvan’s goals to attain an optimal market position in the e-groceries market, the firm faced a number of fundamental challenges. One of the major complexities faced by the firm relates to the fact that it did not understand how the groceries value chain operates. Therefore, the firm invested in a system that it had not tested (McAfee and Ashiya 3). Secondly, the firm also faced a major challenge in motivating consumers to adopt online shopping in their purchasing processes. During its inception, most consumers were only acquainted with purchasing groceries from convenient stores. By visiting the stores, consumers were in a position to access price discount in addition to gaining a unique experience during the purchasing process. Moreover, most consumers attached little economic value to the amount of time spent when shopping in the supermarket, which means that a significant proportion of consumers did not value convenience. Consequently, online shopping was a rather new concept to most consumers. Therefore, changing the consumers’ behaviour is one of the uphill battles faced by the firm.Advertising Looking for report on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Webvan intended to deliver a wide range of perishable and non-perishable products to custome rs through its online model. However, the 30 minutes duration within which the firm intended to achieve this objective was relatively short. Moreover, this model was untested with regard to delivery of perishable products. Therefore, the likelihood of the model failing was relatively high. Dealing with grocery products was another major challenge that the firm faced, as such products were characterised by low profit margins of 1% to 5%. The firm also faced a major challenge with regard to sustaining its wide product range and meeting the temperature requirements in to preserve the products (McAfee and Ashiya 7). Technological discontinuities and behaviour changes necessary to implement Webvan’s business model Webvan’s failure arose from its inability to understand how it would successfully integrate online shopping technology to groceries. Despite its failure, Webvan can attain an optimal market position by improving its online shopping model. In order to achieve this goal, the firm should focus on a number of technological discontinuities. Technological discontinuities refer to the changes that the firm will be required to implement in order to maximise its sales revenue. Considering the volatile nature of the IT industry, it is imperative for Webvan to develop a well-structured framework to implement the technological changes. First, the firm should align its operations with market changes by identifying the possible technological discontinuities and market needs that might affect its ability to maximise online sales. In a bid to identify the technological discontinuities successfully, Webvan should take into account the customers’ future needs and the prevailing technological trends. This move will minimise the likelihood of the implemented ICT technology from becoming obsolete. The firm should also assess potential substitute technologies that can be incorporated and compare with the technology that has already been integrated (McAfee and Ashiya 9). It is also imperative for Webvan to engage in a comprehensive marketing campaign. The campaign should focus at creating awareness on the benefits associated with online shopping. The firm should conduct its market awareness campaign on both traditional and emerging mediums, which will play a critical role in the firm’s effort to attract its customer base and hence its sales revenue.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on Webvan Firm Analysis specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Some of the aspects that the firm should focus on relates to the economic benefits of online shopping. For example, online shopping saves on cost, as the consumer does not incur additional cost in their purchasing process due to transport. Moreover, online shopping is more convenient with regard to time, as it eliminates the amount of time that the customer may be required to queue. Target market Webvan targeted three main custome r groups, which include the new technologists, price insensitive consumers, and time conscious consumers. Before adopting the online shopping model, Webvan conducted a comprehensive market research. From the market research, the firm identified a customer group that values their time. These customers include senior citizens, mothers with young children, upscale employees, students, and physically challenged customers. Some of these customers such as students, senior citizens, and upscale employees attach high value to the convenience associated with online shopping. Consequently, they prefer shopping perishable and non-perishable products online rather than visiting supermarkets. Challenges associated with Webvan physical plant infrastructure In an effort to exploit the online market, Webvan invested in a high capital and technology intensive project. The project entailed constructing a number of distribution centres in different parts of the US. The distribution centres were fitted with optimal warehousing and order management technologies (McAfee and Ashiya 11). Despite its commitment in implementing the online shopping technology, Webvan experienced a major challenge with regard to meeting the cost of the high-tech warehouse. For example, the firm incurred $40 million in constructing the distribution centres in Atlanta. The firm experienced a major challenge in sustaining the operations of the high-tech warehouses considering the fact that its grocery sales were relatively low. The high cost of operation forced the firm to implement the downsizing strategy. For example, in 2001, the firm retrenched 2000 employees. Most investors in Webvan lost the amount they had invested. Moreover, the firm was forced to apply for bankruptcy protection. Conclusion The case study shows that Webvan faced numerous challenges that hindered its success in the online shopping market segment. First, the firm did not conduct a comprehensive consumer market research in order to det ermine the consumers purchasing patterns. Consequently, its online shopping model relied on assumption rather than market facts.Advertising Looking for report on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More For example, the firm assumed that the prevailing market size in the US would translate into sales, which motivated the firm to engage in an aggressive market expansion. The firm also incurred high cost in maintaining the distribution centres it had established in the US market. Moreover, Webvan’s management team assumed that the frequency of online purchases would enable the firm to maximise its sales. However, most consumers who purchased through the firm’s online shopping system did not engage in repeat purchase behaviour. Therefore, the firm was not in a position to develop and maintain a strong customer base. The firm also experienced a challenge due to technological discontinuities. Recommendation Despite the above failures, Webvan can improve its online business model and hence its performance. In order to achieve this goal, the firm should consider the following. Webvan should conduct a comprehensive consumer market research. The research will give the firmâ⠂¬â„¢s management insight with regard to the consumers’ purchasing behaviour. For example, the firm will be in a position to identify the products that consumers purchase online rather than selling all its products through the online business model. The firm should continually invest in research and development with regard to ICT, which will improve the firm’s competitiveness within the online market segment. The firm should also evaluate its target market in order to identify changes in consumers’ purchasing patterns, and thus the firm will improve its online shopping technologies to be aligned with the prevailing market trend. McAfee, Andrew, and Mona Ashiya. â€Å"Webvan.† Harvard Business Review, 25 Sept. 2001: 1-28. Print.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Understanding the Special Needs of Children. Building Patterns of Essay

Understanding the Special Needs of Children. Building Patterns of Kindergarten Teaching from Student Assessment - Essay Example During this time I was introduced to the Kindergarten teacher Mrs. â€Å"Adams† as well as the school Principal and other teachers on the staff. The Edge Academy is a Kindergarten through Fifth Grade (K-5) school located in Akron with approximately 98% of the students coming from African-American families. According to statistics, â€Å"The Edge Academy spends $7,064 per pupil in current expenditures. The district spends 45% on instruction, 48% on support services, 7% on other elementary and secondary expenditures.† (, 2011) In standardized test results, the school scores an average of 2/10 nationally last year. This school can be seen as having potential problems due to the challenges the children and their families manage in coming from lower socio-economic backgrounds. Some parents have removed children from classes in preference for more racially diverse and integrated schools. However, while there may be many challenges in this school it is a very good place for children’s education. The teachers at Edge Academy are attentive and caring about the students’ needs, and conduct themselves in a professional manner. The school has facilities for music, sports, science, library, and other special activities. The Edge Academy has been developed to meet the challenge of providing the best education and foundation for future personal development to students in Akron. I am happy about the time I spent there in observation, and I gained many memories in working with the children and staff. The Edge Academy represents a school that I would like to seek a career in because I believe it is possible to make a difference in children’s lives by being a good teacher in such an environment. The Edge Academy is in the Akron School District and is publicly funded through tax dollars. It participates in standardized testing and also upholds Ohio Department of Education standards of quality in education. The Edge Academy has an enrollment of approximately 158 to 268 stude nts per year. (BES, 2006; Great Schools, 2008,, 2011) The school has been rated between 3/10 - 2/10 on the Standardized Testing Scale, based on national averages of performance for similar aged students in the country. (BES, 2006; Great Schools, 2008) The school has classrooms for six classes, plus additional rooms for group activities, events, and administration. The school has only a limited outdoor play area, but is near to a local city park in Akron. Source: Council of Chief State School Officers, 2011 The Kindergarten class I was assigned to observe in had all of the students sitting at four big tables in the room. There are three windows in the room to allow for natural sunlight and fresh air. There is a large chalkboard at the front of the room which the teacher uses for instruction. The classroom has a teacher’s desk in the corner that is used to prepare lessons and keep class materials organized. There is also a large rug that students can move to for p lay or other activities related to instruction. There is a restroom facility attached directly to the class for the students to access. The

Friday, October 18, 2019

The characteristics of a growing and a mature product market Essay

The characteristics of a growing and a mature product market - Essay Example Under this phase, there are rapidly rising sales volume and profit, and the overall-growth is at a very fast-paced manner (Kotler, 2002, p.173). For example, consumer electronic markets, particularly entertainment devices, are in the growing product market. Portable DVD player is the hottest, trending category and â€Å"derives its popularity from its portability and compact size† (Atico International, n.d.). It also constitutes an annual growth rate of 25% in the hi-fi product market together with turntable, amplifier and digital radio tuner, MP3 players, four-unit speaker and wi-fi capability. During this stage, the average production cost of portable DVD player is being assessed as to what the company could sustain. Samsung Electronics is one of the prominent manufacturers of consumer electronic devices, but because it is not the first-mover, it needs to do extensive research to enhance the quality and features of its product. It has launched the world’s smallest por table DVD with a tiniest DVD format, quality screen format and a good battery life. In addition, the high production cost during the introduction stage is initially recovered in the growth phase because of scale economies or increased output. Customers at this stage are early adopters and old-users because the former will become aware of product benefits and participate while the latter will increase their consumption level or usage rate. This phase is very attractive to new entrants because profitability and market share are certain; thus, the business must expect a growing competition. A higher sales volume and profits that Samsung have gained from its portable DVD players make competitors such as Sony, Philips and LG to emerge. For the product to compete and obtain superior sales rate and market share, its product features should be unique and different, and the cost of promotion should be increased. Strategies. Sales and marketing strategies should be strengthened by providing t he market segment with the necessary information about the product. The product quality, feature, style, and design should be improved to increase the usage rate and brand identity. It is also an advantage if the business will involve in new market segments such as first-time buyers or non-users to widen its distribution coverage as demand increases. Furthermore, the original price should be maintained because the demand is rising, and it should use an informative promotion to attract a wide market audience. 1.2 Mature Product Market The mature product market is the third product life cycle phase. During this level, the rate of sales and profits is high, but starting to level-off because the overall growth is at a very slow manner (Kotler, 2002, p.174). For instance, Coca-Cola and Pepsi-Cola are the two well-known competitors in carbonated soft drinks (CSDs) market wherein the former is the leading sales and market shareholder in the early years of competition. However, in the most recent soft-drink sales, Pepsi has total sales of $43.23 billion while Coca-Cola has $30.99 billion (Dlugosch, 2010). The

Background theory on BUCKLING and DFINITE ELEMENT ANALYSIS Dissertation

Background theory on BUCKLING and DFINITE ELEMENT ANALYSIS - Dissertation Example These underwent no major changes in the next 100 years. In 1845, A.H.E Lamarle proposed the theory that Eulers formula could only be effectively utilised if the slenderness ratio was beyond a certain prescribed limit. In 1889 Considere further made an addendum in the form that Eulers formula could not be used for inelastic buckling since the actual section modulus available on the concave and concave sides of a bend beam were different. This lead to the formulation of the Reduced Modulus theory for buckling and which is still undergoing lot of revisions. (Gere James & Timoshenko Stephen, 2004) Theory Euler by a series of experiments observed that the buckling stress generated in an axially loaded column is directly proportional to the Youngs Modulus, the moment of inertia of the material and inversely proportional to the effective length of the member. In other words he represented the formula by a simple equation. Pcr=Ð » x E x I/ Le^2 Here Pcr represents the critical load, E the Y oungs Modulus which is an inherent property of the material, I the moment of inertia is function of the dimensional values in terms of breadth and height of the material. Le represents the effective length of the column. ... Another combination is that of the column fixed at the base and pinned on top. Calculating this from a series of differential equation with known end conditions would provide an effective length of 0.7L. Hence the Euler’s equation for all the above commonly loaded conditions can be represented as Pcr=Ð »^2 x E x I/ (K x L)^2 where K=2 for fixed-free column, K=1 for pinned end columns, K=1/2 for columns with fixed ends and K=0.7 for column fixed at base and pinned at top. (Gere James & Timoshenko Stephen, 2004) Source: Gere James & Timoshenko Stephen, 2004 The Euler’s formula is used to calculate the corresponding critical stress that is generated due to this critical load Pcr. Here ?cr= Pcr/ A where A is the area of cross section of the member which could further written as ?cr=Ð »^2 x E/(L/r)^2. Here L/r can be together noted as the slenderness ratio. L as denoted earlier is the length of the column while r=v I/A is called the radius of gyration of the member. (Gere James & Timoshenko Stephen, 2004) Using Eulers Theory in Calculations For the analysis of simple beams using Eulers formula, slenderness ratios of columns should not surpass 180. For other members that absorb compression forces the L/r ratio is limited to 200. (Welded Tanks for Oil Storage, 2008) For checking whether the column provided for a section is safe, the actual compressive stress is calculated using the simple formula ? actual=P/A whether P is the external load and A is the cross section of the member. The L/r ratio of the selected member is checked and limited to 180. Thereafter maximum allowable compressive stress generated is found out by using the above formula ? allowable=Ð »^2 x E/(L/r)^2 for columns. If the actual stress calculated is less than the maximum

Doctor Faustus Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Doctor Faustus - Essay Example Mann characterizes the changes in his society as a manifestation of rot. It is essential to highlight that the novel is an abstract piece that manifests the dark side of concepts that are accepted as ideal for a changing society. This explains why it profiles the life of a maddened intellectual as a person who is unfit for the good of a society and chastises the nationalist ideals taking over Germany in the fascist era. By breaking into Biblical nuances, the novel announces that the end has come. In the beginning of the 20th century, Germany adopts a dangerous nationalistic attitude that defines the attitudes of her young people. In 1919, Zeitblum and Leverkhun attend a salon in the home of a Munich’s art collector. At this time, the war has destroyed the bourgeois values. This signifies an impressive tiding for Germany as the oppressed classes achieve the platform for socio-economic fulfillment in their lives. The professors of the nationalistic ideal, however, hail the era as a revolution for purifying the German nation. Zeitblum manifests this ideal as a savage attitude that will shuffle back Germany to the Dark Ages. In the changing Germany, family life is highly compromised. In Zeitblom’s account of events, there is a notable death for gratifying love relationships. In turn, marriages can only thrive in the realm of society in excluded rural settings. In such settings, there is a sense of purity that still bars the society from the infected climate that pervades the whole country. Inez and Helmut’s union is central to the understanding of a typical relationship that occurs in the 20th century Germany. In the narrative, Inez chooses Helmet for the security of a bourgeois life that he will eventually bestow upon the family. A tendency towards perfection constrains the development of love in such a family life. As the story develops, it emerges that Inez is in love with Rudi

Thursday, October 17, 2019

A Research on Communication Technologies and Their Applications Essay

A Research on Communication Technologies and Their Applications - Essay Example This usage may include meetings, trainings and other organizational activities. Cliftons (2012) rightly argue that videoconferencing â€Å"overcomes the problems inherent in communications between regional business centres as well as enabling [the management] to keep in touch with key people whilst away from their office.† It is a matter of in-depth research to determine the exact nature of this technology, explaining the principle behind its operation and conferencing process. An excellent resource for videoconferencing as is the case for almost all things, people, places, and so forth is, of course, Wikipedia. This website has detailed information on this technology. However, it is widely recognized that the site is unreliable and is not often recommended by academic institutions as a resource. Nonetheless, the website proved an effective starting ground that informed this researcher’s efforts at investigating videoconferencing technology. The information provided in the website offered insights as to what specific aspects of the technology should be examined and documented. The preliminary research enabled the identification of at least two types of videoconferencing platforms. There is the case of the software designed as standalone application used to communicate with others over the Internet using computers, camera and other tools. For example, there is Windows Live, Yahoo Messenger and Skype. These are popular examples of softwares developed for videoconferencing. Users can download these applications for free or for a fee and they can use it to communicate with others through the web. Using Internet connections, videoconferencing software is installed in the personal computer and it could allow users to make video and/or audio calls with others who have installed the same application in their computers. Skype is capable of accommodating up to ten participants in an audio-video conference. The conference takes place real-time. Some of these tools can accommodate two or more participants, hence, successfully achieving the nature of the conferencing concept. The second type of videoconferencing tool includes those designed to work on Internet browsers. These are systems called web applications and are built by web developers and embedded in web sites. Internet users can login to these browser-based video conferencing platforms. These are also called video chat rooms over the Internet. For example, is a straightforward website that lets visitors create video chat rooms easily and immediately. A user can create a video conferencing room and can inform those he or she wants to talk to and directs them to the web address where the video conferencing is to take place. During the 1990s, videoconferencing was an expensive affair and that organizations and individuals were averse to spending huge amount on the technology (Webopedia 2012). Today, however, they are sold cheaply and most of them are offered for free. This fact, in addition to its capabilities outlined above, makes videoconferencing a popular and beneficial tool both for personal and business use. Of course, as with the case of other Internet technological applications, it is dependent on the Internet bandwidth, which may be slow in other countries. This could prove problematic in using the technology to communicate with people from such areas. Geostationary Satellites According to the website,,

Marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 80

Marketing - Essay Example product helps diabetes patients that require monitoring constantly using devices and may also want privacy and services that are discreet with which to test levels of glucose. The incognito product in this case lines well with the clients to monitor their blood sugar levels discreetly. Currently, the company is designing devices and accessories for monitoring of glucose currently to sell them direct to the patients or the consumers in this case. The products are have great designs, are of great quality, and most significantly they are incognito, giving customers their desired privacy for use at whatever time they are comfortable. The avatar below is a prototype of a probable client by the name Emily Hewings. She is obese as a result of being diabetic and living in a region that has widespread diabetes infection, that is southern America (USA) (DeVol & Bedroussian, para. 13). The population of the people living with diabetes and other costs that are related are expected to double within a 25 year bracket from now. Significant changes in strategy of the private or the public, and growth of cost will add a significant strain to the USA healthcare system that is already

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Doctor Faustus Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Doctor Faustus - Essay Example Mann characterizes the changes in his society as a manifestation of rot. It is essential to highlight that the novel is an abstract piece that manifests the dark side of concepts that are accepted as ideal for a changing society. This explains why it profiles the life of a maddened intellectual as a person who is unfit for the good of a society and chastises the nationalist ideals taking over Germany in the fascist era. By breaking into Biblical nuances, the novel announces that the end has come. In the beginning of the 20th century, Germany adopts a dangerous nationalistic attitude that defines the attitudes of her young people. In 1919, Zeitblum and Leverkhun attend a salon in the home of a Munich’s art collector. At this time, the war has destroyed the bourgeois values. This signifies an impressive tiding for Germany as the oppressed classes achieve the platform for socio-economic fulfillment in their lives. The professors of the nationalistic ideal, however, hail the era as a revolution for purifying the German nation. Zeitblum manifests this ideal as a savage attitude that will shuffle back Germany to the Dark Ages. In the changing Germany, family life is highly compromised. In Zeitblom’s account of events, there is a notable death for gratifying love relationships. In turn, marriages can only thrive in the realm of society in excluded rural settings. In such settings, there is a sense of purity that still bars the society from the infected climate that pervades the whole country. Inez and Helmut’s union is central to the understanding of a typical relationship that occurs in the 20th century Germany. In the narrative, Inez chooses Helmet for the security of a bourgeois life that he will eventually bestow upon the family. A tendency towards perfection constrains the development of love in such a family life. As the story develops, it emerges that Inez is in love with Rudi

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 80

Marketing - Essay Example product helps diabetes patients that require monitoring constantly using devices and may also want privacy and services that are discreet with which to test levels of glucose. The incognito product in this case lines well with the clients to monitor their blood sugar levels discreetly. Currently, the company is designing devices and accessories for monitoring of glucose currently to sell them direct to the patients or the consumers in this case. The products are have great designs, are of great quality, and most significantly they are incognito, giving customers their desired privacy for use at whatever time they are comfortable. The avatar below is a prototype of a probable client by the name Emily Hewings. She is obese as a result of being diabetic and living in a region that has widespread diabetes infection, that is southern America (USA) (DeVol & Bedroussian, para. 13). The population of the people living with diabetes and other costs that are related are expected to double within a 25 year bracket from now. Significant changes in strategy of the private or the public, and growth of cost will add a significant strain to the USA healthcare system that is already

International Marketing Essay Example for Free

International Marketing Essay Many researches has been conducted on flight companies that are operating and connecting all the continents, but this research is about a company that started in 1940s in an Arab country in the middle east, the company is call flight Emirates, first the company was aimed to deliver flying service in United Arab Emirates and in the region, but as soon as the company raised revenues and added new shares the company thought of going further and compete in the global market. The amazing and surprising part in this company is its ability to rapidly grow and compete perfectly in the global market not only that, it has achieved its objective in that competition as you will see in the paper. The contents of this research are four parts, in the first part we will take you through how the company started and expanded to the global market up to United State of America, vision and mission of the company in the market place. In the second part you will see how the PEST and other driving forces has effect the company operations in United States and other countries, while reaching part three the research will show how the company’s segmentation, distribution, pricing and product strategy are being perform, and we shall conclude with a comprehensive summary, analysis and present the results that we have got through out our research. The unifying them in this research is the company ability to compete in a higher competitive environment like USA not only that but resulting on generating revenue and adding value to its original capital, the company also can be count as one of the biggest flight companies in the world due to its capability and differentiation in the market place. Finally, let’s hope that our research will be a vital added value to previous researches in the same matter. PART ONE: 1.1 About flight Emirate: The beginning of Emirate flight goes back to 1959 when Sheikh Rashid Saed the government official opens the Dubai international airport and announces that Dnata company with only five staff will be in charge of ground handling services, in 1978 Mr.Manrice Flanagan was appointed by Sheikh Rashid to be the general manager of dnata company which is the operating company for flight Emirates, Mr. Flanagan later on in 1984 design how the company could possibly move to serve in air service, and with acceptance of Dubai government the company requested Pakistan international airline to lease them two aircrafts, the deals were struck to fly into Karachi, New Delhi and Bombay in India. In 1985 Sheikh Mohamed gifts two Boeing 727-2005 to the airlines, these two Boeing increased the operations where the airline was able to fly to more than twenty countries. Sheikh Ahmed later on in 1990 signed an agreement with Asian Aerospace exhibition in Singapore to add airbus A310-300s to the company. In 1992 Emirate flight become the first airline to install video system in all seats in all classes in the same year the France government allow officially the flight to operate in the country, by that time the company’s work forces become 11,000 employee. Ten years later exactly in 2011 the company managed to fly to more than 120 destinations world wide, and recorded a profit of ($1.6 billion) and bought the largest Boeing in history 50777-300ER. Flight Emirate as part of its marketing strategy has sponsored number of events and competitions e.g in 2012 the company sponsor Tennis in united state and crick’s Indian premier league. As we mentioned earlier the Dnata Company headed by smart board of directors is not an easy company and the proof is that its ability to raise the capital to $ 2 billion and the workforces from 11,000 to 62,000 employees in 2012 as it was the most profitable year for the company. The company now call the Emirate group and consist two parties Emirate and dnata company and has expanded into many business for instance, hotels, workshops and tourism and the are operating all over the world. 1.2 Flight Emirate in North and South America: Flight emirates operates in North and South America challenging Americans airlines in delivering air services it flies to Brazil, Chile, Mexico, Peru, Urguay, Canada and United States, within the United States the company operate in more than six states creating a competitive environment and adding valuing advantage to this market. The free market economy adopted by United States is a difficult market to compete in if you don’t have a competitive advantage, the flight emirate with its uniqueness and appropriate tactics has a lots of winning games as we shall discuss it later on in part three, and you will realize that the company has attracted the market using different approaches. 1.3 Flight emirates management orientation toward global business: Flight emirate as we stated earlier in our introduction started as a small company call dnata in Dubai, therefore the management structure in the early 1950 was regiocentrics but after the Dubai government increased the capital and instructed many deals the company management changed in 1960s to be geocentric orientation as the views the entire world as a potential market and strive to develop their brand and integrate in global market. The reasons why we categorize the company as a transnational company are the followings: (1) The company operates in more than 100 countries and flies all over the world. (2) The company’s work forces are more than 62,000 employee spread in six continents. (3) The company assets i.e (flights, workshops, hotels etc) are not all based in Dubai. In conclusion to this regard the emirates company management can be classified as a combined of two management structures, reogiocentric a nd geocentric because in its starts the focus was regionally but later on they progress in global scale till they adapt the geocentric orientation structure. 1.4 Flight Emirate vision and mission: Vision: The vision of flight emirate is very simple as we mentioned earlier the company started as ground services company in 1940s but after Dubai government decided to inject more capital the business increases and ambitions become more than just being a ground service company therefore in 1960s the company decided to focus broader in flight services not only in Dubai and in the region but even globally. Now the vision is to be a â€Å"leading company in flight and tourism world wide providing excellent, safe and customer satisfaction†. Mission: The mission of the company is to ensure that the flight is the choice of every traveler and to create a business competitive environment and add valuable service to the market. Differentiation, opportunities and development of a star brand in the Gulf region and all over the world is the purpose of the company’s today’s focus. PART TWO: The Business Environment: 2.1 Political, Economic, social and Technological analysis (PEST): The business environment where the company operates is an important situation that we have an obligation to express in this research, many forces drives and affect the market place of any operating company, to analyze the situation we read the political, economic, social and technology changes. Political and Economic aspects: The country where flight emirate generated from is United Arab Emirate in middle east one of the world’s largest country in oil production, the economic growth and political stability are the sign of advancement in that country. UAE currently undergoing rapid expansion in investment and private venture, the government made number of commitments to strengthen and reform its investment regulatory and make conducive environment for exports and imports. United States and UAE are strongly partners in many political alliances, economic benefits, social and cultural activities the exchange numerous of interests in regard to these issues. Politically, the relationship between the United Arab Emirates and United States has been positive and productive for more than 30 years they are a reliable allies in many military, economic, and social affairs, the United State view UAE as source of stability, tolerance, innovation and a leading figure in the Gulf region. After the US tragedy in September 11 2001 where 2,996 including hijackers killed, the US foreign policy changed a lot including the relationship with UAE based on the fact that two of the hijackers were from UAE, immediately after the attack the background security checks for an Arab visitors was very high and research shows how some harassment and hates developed against Muslim in US. In conclusion to the political environment where flight emirates operates i,e in US there is no negative impact due to the strong and smooth relationship between the two countries. Economically, the UAE is the US single largest export market in the Middle East with $1.5 billion in 20 11 most are machinery, aircraft, industrial and other valuable items, US imports from UAE in 2011 was 2.44 billion most are crude oil, aluminum and other things. The US petroleum companies played a big role in development of UAE energy sector, more than 800 US firms are operating in the UAE investing in different sectors and injecting UAE market with new jobs and opportunities of Arab youth. The research also found that the US, UAE relationship is a long term partnership and each state in US probably has its own trade relationship with UAE. Research also found that UAE is the larger operator of Boeing 777 aircraft in the world, in November 2011 Emirate flight placed an order for $ 24 billion record breaking for 50 Boeing 777-300 ERs, before that there were number of orders for purchasing Boeing from US which make the company the most consumer of this type of flights. In conclusion to economic relationship between the two countries, the flight emirates is the world’s largest operator of Boeing 777 and serves non-stop flying from Dubai, also the robust trade and investment relationship between UAE and USA is based on the political stability and diplomatic understanding. Socially, the UAE and US have a lots of social partnership in numerous of activities, UAE is an open country for visitors and legal immigrant, its population is extremely liberal and open minded society compare to the other countries in the region, UAE attracts many investors and tourist including US citizens, the US population in UAE estimated to be 4,000 people working in different sectors of production. UAE population in USA is recorded not to be affected by any violence or discrimination against any human right because US treat and protect the entire resident equally but individual harassment does exist because of personal behavior. According to researches, after September attack where two were from UAE as we stated earlier the Americans views on Islam and Arab has changeed a bit of which number of travelers to and from Arab world has decreased. Technologically, as technology refers to the application of science and research into industrial or commercial objective, it has affect societies all over the world, flight emirate in its existent relies on technology in all its operation and has benefit so much in US market on this matter, marketing customers service and other operation are possible in flight emirate because of technology and the latest news in this regard is the announcement of the company recently that it will allow all the passengers to use their cell phone in its all f light operating in US market very soon, that could not be possible if the company was not connected with USA. To conclude this topic technology has not negatively affected the operations of flight emirate in USA, it has really been a source of inspiration for the company. 2.2 The Effect of Culture and Sociology: In United States market culture as (education, religion, values, attitude etc) play a big role in business place, flight emirate with its unique study of American’s culture has found it a useful environment to operate in, US is a multi cultural community where different ethnic groups coexist without any discrimination. US market is a free economy where competition is the only factor that can push you to the top or crash you down, flight emirate adapted those diversities and without any exclusion and that is why it has been able to compete with US fight companies in the market place, as we stated earlier the only side effect on flight emirate in US market was what follows September attack when a group of terrorist from middle east and with Islam background hijack US flights and threaten US as a sovereign country, the result on that was the reduction of travelers from and to Arab countries, raising the searching system which actually targ eted travelers from Gulf countries and individual harassments by some indigenous citizens. In conclusion to culture and sociology the company does record much challenges in US market based on these aspect but the following points are what we think to be the company’s threats in US market: 1-Flight emirate generated from Arab country therefore it might be a target of terrorist and use as a cover to make insecurity in USA. 2-Services in the flight emirate are indirectly affected by Islam as the crew do welcome passengers by Quran prayers on board, this activity does not satisfy non Muslims on board. 3-Wearing of AL hijab by Arab women is not an acceptable sign by some people. 4-Citizens of UAE started to avoid traveling to USA because of long waiting visa due to background security checks. PART THREE: THE COMPANY MARKETING PLAN 3.1Marketing (country) selection and entry strategy: Flight emirate operates in more than one hundred countries and flies over six continents, the research has an interest in US market and here are the reasons why the company chosen to compete in US industry: -The airline copes and encourages free competition with other market player using a strategy known as â€Å"the open skies strategy†. -The political environment and the strong relationship between USA and UAE encouraged flight emirates to choose US as useful market to operate in. -USA is an open economy where the market competition is the art of the game, flight emirate with its quality services and competitive advantage choses to be part of it. -US dollar is the most powerful currency in the world, since the company adopted this currency to be the company main fare in its all operations than the company got it profitable to operate and expand in US market. -Flight emirate benefit mo re from long haul flying which also save fuel consumption as well as non-stop flying from Dubai to USA is profitable. -The Boeing 777 is the major aircraft used by the company hence all the accessories, parts and maintenance is cheaper and available in United States. The above reasons plus the growing business opportunities between US and UAE has increases the demand for direct flying from Dubai to United States. 3.2 Segmentation, Targeting and positioning: Flight emirate like any other flights in the airline industry has a specific strategy on targeting and positioning its self in the market place, below are the airline targets: 1-Emirate flight is one of the big airline in the world, the rapid growth of Dubai and its good relationship with other countries especially US had given a chance to the company to position it self as the major carrier between the two countries and inside the US, the company currently operates in eight states in US market targeting the following segments: 2-The demand for traveling to Dubai by tourist and business people has increased and especially in summer session where Dubai attracts more than seven million tourists. 3-Expatriates, because Dubai is a working environment and highly paid city, the demand for people to travel to and from Dubai increased hardly, many US citizens live and do business in Dubai while the also regularly visit their homes, therefore flight emirate is playing that role of targeting those group. 4-Transit passengers, before the haul long flying strategy being implemented by many companies were suffering from waiting hours, passengers from US did fly to middle east or Dubai connecting through Europe, flight emirates made it easier to dominate this segment by offering direct flight between Dubai and USA and found it very profitable. Because of demand increase within the United States, flight emirate with its quality services and golden brand attracted those groups and the company positively responded and got it much profitable. 3.3 Information and research strategy: The aim of this strategy is to keep the company growing and competitive in the market place, the information and research are the heart of any successful company, it explore opinions and attitude of customers and allow the company to predict the future result of the company’s operations. Flight emirates value information technology and research and has invested a huge of amount approximately $200 million and deployed 2,200 employees, recruited from the most qualified institutions in the world. The company’s IT department and research after ensuring solutions for the company also provide services for other business in the region as the generate revenue to the company from that services. Research found that flight emirate invest heavily in information technology and research for smooth operation and acknowledging the customers needs and demand in US market. 3.4 product strategy: Oil prices has been unstable and challenging in world’s market place for many flight companies to perform perfectly with out any conciliation or interruption, flight emirate has made it easier by signing a deal with several major oil companies to supply jet fuel to them all the time with a specific price, that deal remain unchangeable no matter what the future market may present, this fuel strategy has maintained the company profitability high among the competitors. The fight also gain a lot of profit base on product strategy through it plan of long haul flying, direct from US to Dubai because this kind of service attract big number of passengers of which the company provide cheap prices. In this strategy also the company has divided its portfolio into two, airport services and infrastructure, the airport service has to ensure the safety of passengers baggage and belonging up to the last destination, this strategy has build confident between the company and the customers. The free competition strategy that was adopted by the company enable the customers view their opinion in the services, employee training and capacity building in the company has been a successful part of the product strategy because it keeps the delivery of service in a high position. Buying new aircraft every short period is one of the promotion for product strategy and what kept the company delivering excellent services in US flight industry. 3.5 Pricing strategy: Pricing strategy is the secret of any successful company, the first thing the company does was to keep US dollar as the standard currency of exchange in the company, based on the fact that dollar is a powerful and stable currency and is convenience to all passengers regardless of their country of origin, this strategy made the company’s profit always high. The company has a sufficient strategy that enable passengers enjoy cheap pricing either in short or long haul flying, this has been a competitive advantage to the company, the company has been in the market for a short time which mean the company does not charge legacy fee in its ticket because there is no burden of pension as other companies do, the well train and qualified financial managers that the company has are playing a role of keeping the financial plan in a safe environment. The most important factor that keep flight emirate cheap and profitable is the variety of aircraft that operate in diffe rent allocation this gives the passengers the option of choosing the cheaper the can afford. All the above are supported by the fact that prices of flight are not being fixed any where because it depend on the market demand, what keep flight emirate cheap and affordable is their continuation of reading the market rightly.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Bezlotoxumab (Zinplava) with MAYO Clinic

Bezlotoxumab (Zinplava) with MAYO Clinic Group 4: Rafi Saadallah, Anthony Hill, Alex Nedved, Angel Withrow Bezlotoxumab (Zinplava) BLT with MAYO Clinic Pharmacy and Therapeutic committee Drug Evaluation Monograph: Generic Name Bezlotoxumab Brand Name Zinplava Manufacturer MERCK SHARP DOHME Therapeutic Category 80:04 Antitoxins and Immune Globulins Classification J06BB: Specific Immunoglobulins FDA Classification: Approved (rating not specified) Status: Rx only Similar Agents on Market None Summary: Zinplava is the first and only monoclonal antibody FDA approved for prevention of recurrent C. Diff infections. It is used as an add on therapy to decrease risk of recurrent C. Diff. Zinplava is currently the only drug in its class because its currently the only drug in the market that prevents the recurrence of CDI instead of treating the actual infection. The drugs mechanisms of action is unique due to its ability to inhibit Toxin B and stopping its effects on the cell. After looking at the trials, its hard to see any side effects that can prevent people from taking this drug. Most of the Zinplavas side effects were nausea, headaches, and infusion problems. It is recommended to not use this drug with people who have congestive heart failure. Recommendations: It is recommended to add Zinplava to the drug formulary for add on therapy. It is usefull for those patients that are at especially high risk of a recurrent C. Diff infection. Zinplava currently costs $4,560.00 per vial and while it has been proven to reduce the risk of recurrent zinplava the use of this medication can only be justified in patients that meet criteria that would put them at high risk of recurrent C. Difff. With other options available to prevent recurrent C. Diff it can only be justified to use zinplava in a particular group of patients that cannot tolerate alternative medical interventions and are at an increased risk of recurrent C. Diff. Pharmacological Data: Mechanism of action: A monoclonal antibody that inhibits Toxin B (does not bind to Toxin A) and stops the effect on Mammalian cells. This drug should not be used alone, instead it needs to be used in conjunction with other antibiotics to treat recurrence cases of C.Diff. Therapeutic Indications: FDA approved on June 9th, 2016 for the prevention and treatment of recurrent C.diff in patients > 18 years of age that are undergoing antimicrobial therapy for the treatment of C. Diff. Evidence Based Guidelines Zinplava was approved in October 2016 and its place in guideline therapy has not yet been determined. It is the first monoclonal antibody approved for the prevention of recurrent C. Diff. and guidelines do not yet reflect therapy with zinplava for the prevention of primary or recurrent C. Diff. All guidelines available are only for the treatment of C.diff and do not yet include zinplava. Clinical Studies: The safety of Zinplava was evaluated in two placebo-controlled Phase 3 trials. Patients received a single Zinplava dose with antimicrobial treatment for C. diff infection. Between the experimental group and placebo group, mortality rates were slightly lower in the experimental group at 7.1% compared to 7.6% at a 12 week follow-up. Common side effects noted were nausea, pyrexia, and headache. Heart failure was listed as a serious adverse reaction, as it occurred in 2.3% of the experimental group compared to 1% in the placebo group. Infusion related reactions were reported in 10% of patients treated with Zinplava compared to 8% of placebo patients. In terms of recurrence prevention efficacy, Trial 1 had 386 patients in the Zinplava group and 395 patients in the control group. Disease recurrence was found in 67 patients (17.4%) treated with Zinplava and in 109 patients (27.6%) of the control group. In Trial 2, there were 395 patients in the Zinplava group and 378 patients in the control group. Disease recurrence was found in 62 patients (15.7%) treated with Zinplava and in 97 patients (25.7%) of the control group. There was no statistical significance Merck Sharp Dohme Corp. A study of MK-3415, MK-6072, and MK-3415A in participants receiving antibiotic therapy for clostridium difficile infection (MK-3415A-001) (MODIFY I). NLM Identifier: NCT01241552. Last updated November 30, 2015. Available at: Merck Sharp Dohme Corp. A study of MK-6072 and MK-3415A in participants receiving antibiotic therapy for clostridium difficile infection (MK-3415A-002) (MODIFY 11). NLM Identifier: NCT01513239. Last updated October 29, 2015. Available at: Pharmacokinetics and Bioavailability Absorption Immediately and 100% bioavailable Distribution Vd is 7.33 L Metabolism By Catabolism Excretion Primarily by Catabolism Dosage Forms: Drug Bezlotoxumab Formulation Solution Strength 1000 mg/40 ml (25 mg/ml) Storage 2-8 ÂÂ °C (Do not freeze) Special considerations Solutions diluted for infusion may be stored at room temperature for up to 16 hours or under refrigeration for up to 24 hours. Administration Infusion over a 60 minute period through a sterile, low protein binding 0.2 to 5 micro line or add on filter. Can be administered through a central line or a peripheral catheter. Dosage Range: Adults IV 10 mg/kg (single dose) Children Only studied in 18 years or older Elderly Same as adult dosing Hepatic Failure No dose adjustments Renal Impairment No dose adjustments Adverse Effects Adverse Effects Nausea, Pyrexia, Headache, Infusion related reactions, Immunogenicity Serious: Congestive Heart Failure exacerbation Special Precautions: In congestive heart failure patients, Bezlotoxumab should be reserved for patients where benefit outweighs the risk in order to reduce risk of worsening heart failure. Contraindications: None Drug Interactions: -Belimumab: Monoclonal Antibodies may enhance the adverse/toxic effect of Belimumab(Brand name: Benlysta). Drug Food interactions: None. Drug Laboratory Test interactions: None. Patient Safety: -Zinplava has a good side effect profile with the most common side effect being nausea. The patient should tell their doctor if they have or have had a history of congestive heart failure, as it can be a serious side effect of the zinplava. Monitoring Guidelines : Monitor for signs and symptoms of adverse reactions. Patient Information: -Zinplava doesnt take the place of their antibacterial treatment for CDI. Patient must continue to take their treatment regimen as directed. You will need to have a doctors appointment to receive Zinplava. Administration will take one hour via IV route. If you miss an appointment, contact your doctor right away. Cost Comparison: Drug (Strength) Daily Dose/Dosing AWP Zinplava 1000 mg/40 mL (25 mg/mL) 10 mg/kg infusion over 1 hour $4560.00( per vial: 1000 mg/40 ml) Vancomycin HCL in dextrose IV -1g/200ml -500 mg/100 ml -750 mg/150 ml $27.65 $7.92 $14.50 Vancomycin HCL in NaCl IV -1g/200 ml -500 mg/100 ml -750 mg/150 ml $28.55 $8.82 $15.40 Vancomycin HCL IV 10 g 500 mg 750 mg 1000 mg 5000 mg $206.40 $8.40 $11.63 $15.60 $85.50 Pharmacoeconomic Analysis: Problem definition: -The objective of this analysis is to determine if Zinplava should be used as an add on to antimicrobial therapy. Perspective: -Will be from the perspective of the institution. Specific treatment alternatives and outcomes: -Zinplava can only be used as an add on to antimicrobial therapy for the treatment and prevention of recurrent Clostridium Difficile. The treatment options are either antimicrobial therapy without zinplava and antimicrobial therapy with zinplava. Pharmacoeconomic model: Number need to treat with zinplava will be used in order to detail the effects that zinplava has in order to make a realistic judgement as to whether or not zinplava is worth the extra cost to add on therapy in terms of determining if adding on zinplava can be justified from an economic perspective. . -NNT (Vancomycin and Zinplava) = 5.5 Drugs: Average Cost: Vancomycin $25.6 (per 1 gram) Vancomycin + Zinplava $25.6 (per 1 gram) + $4,560 (1000mg/40 ml) = $4,585.6 [Note to reader: Number needed to treat data was extrapolated from a randomized, double blind controlled study using 200 patients during a phase 2 trial. Recurrence of C. Diff. (measured after 84 days) between the monoclonal antibody and placebo group was 7% and 25%, respectively with a 95% confidence interval and a p-value Presented by Rafi Saadallah, Anthony Hill, Alex Nedved, Angel Withrow to the Pharmacy and Therapeutics committee on March 10th, 2017 Reference: Lowy I, Molrine DC, Leav BA, Blair BM, Baxter R, Gerding DN, Nichol G, Thomas WD, Jr., Leney M, Sloan S, Hay CA, Ambrosino DM: Treatment with monoclonal antibodies against Clostridium difficile toxins. N Engl J Med 2010, 362:197-205.(Economic analysis refrence)

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Inclusion Essay -- essays research papers

Although no consensus exists about the definition of inclusion, it can usually be agreed upon that inclusion is a movement to merge regular and special education so that all students can be educated together in a general education classroom. Because of the lack of consensus, inclusion is a hotly debated topic in education today. Mainstreaming and Inclusion are used interchangably for many people. This is where the confusion may lie. For the purpose of this paper I will be using the term inclusion. I interpret this to mean: "meeting the needs of the student with disabilities through regular education classes, with the assistance of special education." (Dover, section 1) Included in the definition of inclusion, it is important to note that there are a continuum of placement options for the child. I found the main difference between mainstreaming and inclusion to be the approach taken towards each one. Mainstreaming asks the question: "WHERE can this child be successful?" Whereas, inclusion asks: Where does this child or regular classroom teacher need support?" The Individuals With Disabilities Act (IDEA), was signed into law in 1975. IDEA requires that schools educate students with disabilities in the least restrictive environment possible, and it also ensures to the maximum extent possible, children with disabilities be educated with those who are nondisabled. This implies that the least restrictive environment is the general education classroom. Historically, we have separated exceptional children from the rest of society. This act has served to reinforce society's view that to be exceptinal is to be bad. The truth is, separate is not equal. In this paper I intend to address what complications surround the practice of inclusion, and also to give examples of how inclusion has been beneficial to students. WHY NOT INCLUSION? Even for those that support inclusion philosophically, there are questions and concerns about issues when inclusion is put into practice. Some schools interpret inclusion to mean that all students shall receive special education services in the regular classroom, without individual consideration that such placement would meet the needs of that particular student with disabilities. The American Federation of Teachers (AFT) president, Albert Shanker, warned members against placement of all disabled students in... ...vel academically, but has a behavior disorder, the regular classroom may be perfectly suited for this child. My feelings are different regarding a child that is severely mentally retarded. I think more time with a specialist, outside of the classroom, may be more productive for the student and the general ed. teacher. I think that there is a lot of responsibility placed on the general education teacher, and they do not have the training like specialists. Special ed. teachers are trained especially for these children, they should be able to work with them. At the same time general education teachers make modifications for typical kids by trying different techniques and strategies, so as to help the child understand. So why not be willing to make modifications for children with special needs? In school we are taught-ALL CHILDREN LEARN DIFFERENTLY! This is why I think I fit into the category that supports inclusion philosophically, but has trouble putting it into practice. I read in a book that if we can think of all children as being special and having special needs, then special will no longer apply to only disabled children. We need to change the language to support role change.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Higher Immediacy Contrasted with Ethical and Aesthetic :: essays research papers

Explain higher immediacy by contrasting it with the ethical and the aesthetic. Higher immediacy or religious faith is the most important achievement made by a person because only faith offers an individual to have a chance to become a "true self". Self is what is done throughout life which God judges for infinity. Consequently, humans have a huge responsibility because those decided choices in life constitute the eternal salvation or damnation. With the religious faith, the ethical and aesthetic are needed to form it, that is why they can not be the same. "Faith itself cannot be mediated into the universal, for it would thereby be destroyed." (p.69) To arrive in the position of religious faith, the ethical must first be accepted, and a commitment must be made to choose the ethical and step away from the aesthetic. The ethical, the universal, is what decides what is good and what is evil. These traits are not decided upon by society, however. They are dependent of God and God decides what is good and evil and His definition would outrank any human definition, so humans are constantly in sin. There has to be a recognition of a duty to a higher being, not to just social norms. For example, in the case of Abraham, his actions could have been very irrational and wrong if there was no belief in the religious faith. It is something that must be decided on by the individual, to believe that Abraham was legitimate in obeying God or not. That is was what must be decided as a matter of religious faith. Abraham’s "ethical relation is reduced to a relative position contrast with the absolute relation to God." (p. 69). If Abraham’s actions were ethically analyzed, it would seem he hated Isaac because he killed him. But since faith is not in the ethical, "by its paradoxical opposition to his love for God, made his act a sacrifice." (p71). Then you have the aesthetic, which is the lowest immediacy because there is no order and order is needed for a structured life. The aesthetic is not a way to live because there is no conscience, or moral sense, where you have that in the ethical and the religious. Living in the moment is bad, selfish and egotistic. In the aesthetic, one is always striving to transform the boring into something interesting for one’s own selfish reasons.. In higher immediacy, you already have the sense of completeness and are not striving

Friday, October 11, 2019

Social Media Advertising

Internet Advertising: Social Networking First Name Last Name BUS 123 Introduction To Advertising Dr. First name and last name September 26, 2010 Internet Advertising Now more than ever, small businesses can promote themselves online by targeting customers and expanding their networks, often for little or no cost. Businesses can promote themselves through a variety of techniques such as targeting customers by demographics, contributing to online discussions and drawing attention to new services. Advertising in the 21st century has become very versatile because of various online social websites like Facebook and Twitter, along with other blog atmosphere websites like Pinterest and Craigslist. In the last decade, the explosion of technological advances has produced unprecedented events in the history of mankind. One of them is the Internet and its conversion into a new medium for marketing and the use of social communication in advertising. Inevitably, the internet has changed our lives. In  traditional media, newspapers, radio  and television  can cause information overload  and change the perception  of the audience (Janoschka, 2004). The  Internet is not  exempt from this  danger, but  has the potential to  do something different,  because  it can directly reach  the target audience  and interact with it. A function of memory is to forget, especially information that is not significant. The challenge of advertising is to make you remember the ads. The purpose is to sell. The good publicity convinces the viewer to buy the product. This requires creating an attractive brand image and strengthening it with each ad. Advertising employs both verbal and nonverbal elements that are composed to fill specific space and time formats determined by the sponsor. Advertising reaches people through a channel of communication referred to as a medium. Today, technology enables advertising to reach its’ target audience efficiently through the Internet. In the 1990’s, the Internet became a major part of American society and is the fastest growing type of advertising. Its more than just banner ads, it means large format interactive ads, search-engine marketing, creating special promo videos for web download and supporting TV ads with online sites. Communication among people all over the world is effortless, and information on almost any topic is just a few keystrokes away. As a public global platform open to all kinds of information, entertainment, and communication, one of which is online advertising, it has become the latest mass medium. † (Janoschka, 2004). Internet technology allows delivering the right message to the right person at the right time while helping advertisers to reach their audience. From  the moment the   surfer  enters  the web to search for information, pop ups appear allowing the audience to subscribe to  mailing lists that  will send  continuous  news, promotions, articles, etc. , depending on   their preferences. This allows the  seller  to better  reach its target  and maintain  continuous  communication  in the shortest  time possible. .Most online ads do not come to you as an individual, but by your interests in various subjects, your location or, in general, by your behavior during internet navigation. In most countries, it is possible to divide the audience by geographic area based on IP address, which facilitates advertising companies that offer products and services in those areas. Websites use demographic data to learn more their audience. When registering with a portal or website, you normally provide certain personal information such as your age, gender, hobbies, etc. With this information, websites offer relevant content and advertisements based on the information provided. Some companies specialize in a data collection process known as behavioral advertising which matches ads to the interests of users based on their surfing habits. As users browse, advertisers collect data on their online activity: sites visited, time spent on each ad shown, ads that were clicked, when and how often you click on the banners. Today, cookies are tools that allow advertisers to target advertising to specific audiences and segments. Compared  with traditional media  the cost of  internet advertising is  extremely low, and  because of its effectiveness  and its high potential for growth, it is  ideal  for small  and medium businesses that  do not have large  resources to invest  in other media. Then the questions  arise: how  to advertise  online? What is the  correct way  to? There is no  magic formula  that a media planner can you use but here are some suggestions. Due to the internet being global, the network gives the possibility to reach all audiences in the world. With internet advertising one must  include,  email,  search engine  registration, and banners which are  ads with  motion graphics which  are located in different  sites  of the network  as a gateway  input  to a website. Using email as a form of advertisement is easy and free. All that is required is to sign up for email with your internet  service provider  or a  free  mail  server  such as Yahoo  mail or Gmail and send emails to  the potential  customers with  offers  or information  on products. According to Arens, â€Å"Google is the most popular destination on the web reaching an astonishing 40 percent of all Web users each day† (pg 337). Search engines are only responsible for registering portal websites and their content and then delivery the results to the users who made requests for information. The following is an example of how a search engine works. A user uses the search engine  of their choice and  asks to find  companies  that export  tomatoes. The search engine will  send  in response  with a list of websites of companies  that fulfill  the request and  then the user can  enter  the different sites  to see  what they need and select the company that  meets  their requirements. The  banner system  is  one means  of internet advertising  that is more effective: You can choose  the categories  to be displayed and  include descriptive words  to detect  if the user is  looking for that particular product. The  banners  are similar to the  rotating  banner  but  the difference is that  the user can interact  with them. As in any  project,  internet advertising  should begin  by  making  a strategic plan. The result will be  better planning of  a website and  the ability to maintain  the user's attention  and customer loyalty. The presence of internet advertising will be an excellent complement to traditional media advertising and may end up becoming one of the priorities of advertisers. For now, more and more ads in the media show the direction taken by advertisers along with customer care and other services of interest. User forums, blogs  and  social networking  sites like Facebook and Twitter  are invaluable resources  for monitoring  companies' reputations  and interests of  consumers of services and  products. Facebook is the largest social network in the world with more than 500 million people connected to each other. Facebook has not surpassed Yahoo! o be the second most popular site on the web behind Google. Facebook's popularity has increased due to the ability to connect individuals without geographical barriers. The uniqueness of Facebook allows people to meet virtually to discuss and share their interests with each other (Arens, Schaefer, Weigold, 2011). There are 60 million status updates posted every day in over 65 languages. Facebook's audience is far superior to any other mass medium like TV channels, radio or press Facebook has revolutionized advertising not only by the size of its audience, but also by the engineering behind its operation. It allows an analytical and intelligent marketing to reach the precise target audience through market segmentation according to gender, age, geographic location, country, city and locality, educational level, likes, interests, product preferences, favorite activities, favorite programs and language. For example, it is now possible to know without extensive market research which countries have the largest number of youth between 18 and 35 years and who love rock music, football and a certain brand of beer. Having a presence in social media is a must have for most brands. Facebook created Pages for businesses to post information about their services or products. When using a search engine, your Facebook Page will be one of the main results of your search. Consumers have tremendous power and influence on a brand and trust recommendations of other consumers they don’t know. According to Barefoot, â€Å"Groups and applications gain popularity one friend of a friend of a friend at a time† (Barefoot, pg 174). The result is friends becoming fans or joining groups encouraging them to purchase a product or service that is being discussed or advertised. Twitter is still a very popular social media networking site, although adoption is declining. Compared to Facebook, Twitter has 50 million tweets created each day and the average Twitter account has an average of 300 followers. Social networking is important to marketers because it gives them the opportunity to show customers that they are listening to what they have to say about a brand or product and respond accordingly. The possibilities are endless. It is common for  organizations to provide direct consumer  messages  daily  on Twitter, maintain  a Facebook page, or depending  on your industry  also  a profile  on MySpace. Social networking has completely changed the way we communicate with each other. Everyone has a voice and an outlet to reach millions of people instantly with either Facebook or Twitter. The internet  is  an advertising medium  with a great future  because it is interactive  can be customized or  delivered to users  according to their  preferences. There is  immediate feedback  and can communicate  directly  with users  to resolve their doubts and  concerns and with  a global reach. The internet  brings  great potential  for use in  the field  of marketing, market research,  direct marketing,  sales promotion, trade mail and, of course,  advertising communication. As a society  we must be prepared  to confront and  take advantage of  the opportunities  this new technology  gives us. References Arens,W. , Schaefer, D. , & Weigold, M. (2012). Advertising. McGraw Hill Irwin. New York