Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Real Time Road Sign Recognition System

Real Time Road Sign Recognition System Using Artificial Neural Networks For Bengali Textual Information Box An Automated Road Sign Recognition system using Artificial Neural Network for the Textual Information box inscribing in Bengali is presented on the paper. Signs are visual languages that represent some special circumstantial information of environment. Road signs, being among the most important around us primarily for safety reasons, are designed, and manufactured and installed according to tight regulations. The system captures real time images every two seconds and saves them as JPG format files. Firstly some road sign are already stored in the memory. Like: Warning Sign, Prohibition Sign, Obligation Sign and Informative Sign. Car Driver concentration and illiterateness isn’t always focused on what it should be and not always notice the road signs. For these reasons, automation of Bangla Road Sign Recognition system is highly essential. Previously several works are done by Mueller, Piccioli, Novovicova, Yuille, Escalera and others. But those are not in Bengali. Real Time Road Sign Recognition System Using Artificial Neural Networks for Bengali Textual Information Box which is done by Mohammad Osiur Rahman, Fouzia Asharf Mousumi, Edgar Scavino, Aini Hussain, Hassan Basri whose are from the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, University of Chittagong, Chittagong-4331, Bangladesh, Faculty of Engineering, University Kebangsaan Malaysia. For doing this they divide the total Concept in Steps: 1. Image Acquisition: From several video sequences from a moving vehicle for a certain period are consecutive frames recorded within 2 seconds are similar. For this they have used Application Programming Interface functions of VB 6. 0. Every 2-second a frame is collected and stored in JPG format. 2. Preprocessing: Median filter is used to reduce impulsive or salt-and-pepper type noise from captured images and then normalized into 320 X 240 pixels. 3. Text Detection and Extraction: An algorithm was developed for textual information detection and extraction from Bangla Road Signs on the basis of the Sobel Edge Detection technique. Like the following: I. Read input image in . jpg format II. Convert colored image into gray scale image III. Apply 3Ãâ€"3 median filter convolution masks on gray scale image IV. Calculated edges by applying Sobel convolutions mask V. Thicken the calculated edges by dilation VI. Apply vertical Sobel projection filter on dimmed image VII. Create a histogram by computing projection values VIII. Find the threshold value of the image IX. Loop on the possible positive identifications based on the histogram values X. Extract the possible positive identifications based on the histogram values XI. Apply Sobel horizontal edge-emphasis for other possible text area searches XII. Convert detected text region into binary image XIII. Calculate height and width of detected region of text XIV. Crop the image 4. Bangla OCR using MLP: An ANN based approach is used for Bangla OCR of road signs’ text. It has 3 sub modules – Character segmentation, Feature Extraction and Character Recognition by MLP NN. 5. Confirmation of Textual Road Signs and Conversion 6. Speech synthesis The Proposed system works like the following: 1. From video sequences capture a single frame in JPG format in each 2 seconds. 2. Preprocess the captured image each time . Detect the Text and Extract that and then Extracted Text will recognize by Bengali Optical Character Recognition System. 4. Recognized characters of textual information compared with the stored knowledge and then give decision valid or invalid. 5. If Valid then recognize and according to users choice it provide Bengali or it convert to English and provide audio stream. The system processes the images to find out whe ther they contain images of road signs or not. The textual information of the road signs is detected and extracted from the images. The Bengali OCR system takes the textual information as an input to recognize individual Bengali characters. The Bengali OCR is implemented using Multi-layer Perceptron. The output of the Bengali OCR system is compared with the previously enrolled standard Bengali textual road signs. The throughput which comes from the matching process is used as input for the speech synthesizer and finally the system delivers the audio stream to the driver, either in Bengali or in English based on the user settings. After testing this system, the obtained accuracy rate was evaluated at 91. 48%. Our Idea by using Hopfield Associative Memory Our work to done this thesis by using Associative Memory. Which are two types – Hetero Associative Memory & Auto Associative Memory. We will use the Auto-associative / Autocorrelators Memory for our purposes. It’s now most easily recognized by the title of HAM(Hopfield Associative Memory), were introduced as a theoretical notation by Donald Hebb. To do this we need to first generate Matrices (Row or Column Matrix) in the Bipolar Boolean format (-1 and +1) from the Image. Then the matrices need to transpose of each of the matrices and then create the encoding process (The Connection Matrix) by [pic] And then need to Recognized of the stored patterns or feed each of the matrix by [pic] Introducing the Bipolar Function to [pic]. If [pic] >= 0 set the value +1 otherwise set the value -1 for each of the Element of the Matrix of [pic]. Now Recognition of Noisy Patterns by finding the Hamming Distance (HD) with the Given Noisy Pattern N by [pic] Which Hamming Distance of noisy and stored pattern are less the probability of matching to noisy pattern with the stored pattern are most. And then need to Recognized of the Noisy patterns or feed each of the matrix with Encoding Process by [pic] By using Bipolar Function to [pic]. If [pic] > 0 set the value +1 otherwise set the value -1 for each of the Element of the Matrix of [pic]. In this method we need to store all road sign text segmented by each blank will generate Matrices. And by the above method generate correlation matrix. If the Bipolar Noisy Matrix matched with the Transposed Matrix of the stored Image Transpose Matrix, in the case of partial vectors, an Auto-Correlator results in the refinement of the pattern or removal of noise to retrieve the closest matching stored pattern. Our Idea by using WANG et al. ’s Multiple training encoding strategy (WANG MTES): The algorithm of the WANG MTES is like the following: Step-1:Initialize the correlation matrix M to null matrix M ( [0]. Step-2:Compute the M as, For I ( 1 to N M ( M ( [qi * (Transpose Xi’) ( Yi’] [where Xi’ and Yi bipolar patterns] End Step-3:Read input bipolar Pattern A’ Step-4:Compute A_M where A_M ( A’ ( M Step-5:Apply threshold function ( to A_M to get B’ [(=bipolar of Matrices] Step-6:Output B’ which is the associated Pattern Pair. In this method, as like the HOPFIELD ASSOCIATIVE MEMORY we need to store all road sign text segmented by each character will generate Matrices Associated with the equivalent ASCII of Bengali Character Matrix. And by the above method generate correlation matrix of the stored Pattern. Now from the input image text need to generate matrix of called noisy pattern will must in bipolar form. And Feed with the Correlation Matrix. Equation like the following: [pic] qi’s are positive real number called generalized correlation matrix, will be change according to the improving feeding necessity. Figure: Schematic view of Bangla Road Sign Recognition System ———————– Speech Language Choose? Speech synthesis Convert into equivalent English text English Bengali Audio stream Valid Bangla road Sign Recognized Unrecognized Yes Prememorized Knowledge (Bangla Sign Textual info Database) Image (JPG format) Processing Text detection& extraction Matching Bangla OCR using WANG MTES Extracted Text Recognized Characters of Texture Information Single Frame Video Sequences No

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Male Bashing Stereotype Essay

‘’Male bashing stereotype† by Kimberly Graham article is a first person account about the question of what women want and her wants and dislikes. The author’s main point is that no one really has a clear idea of what women want. There are so many books and shows about the wants and needs of both women and men but especially women and they are all inconclusive of what the whole populations of women really want. The author is right that whether you are a feminist or a typical woman you don’t always know what you want in a man. A woman might want a man that is tall, handsome and makes a lot of money but she doesn’t want him to be controlling, a pig, or insulting. Sometimes when you ask for specifics characteristics you get stuck with others that are not welcome. You might want a man that works but you don’t want him to show up at your house all dirty from work for your date. It is hard to find someone that matches your specification exactly if you don’t even know what those specifications are and what sacrifices you are willing to make as a woman but have what you want. The article targets people that want to learn about relationships and the stereotypes that are put out there about dating. The author wants people to dwell longer on what they don’t want instead of what they do want. â€Å"So what does this paper prove? I have come up with an answer to the question of what women want. Or have I? No, the statement is too vague. Society should not generalize-it’s an emotional question. †

Monday, July 29, 2019

Resource Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Resource Management - Essay Example The use of the World Wide Web as a medium of communication has played a key role in dissolving the national and regional boundaries. The rise of information technology has brought with it the concepts of terms like outsourcing. It has also led to people and ideas coming together closer. Despite globalization being considered as a feature that intends to convert the entire world into a single global village, it has some negative effects as well. The spread of globalization has also adversely affected the trade interests of the poorer nations. Globalization has also lead to spread of many infectious diseases which may have been quarantined if the feature was absent. The term globalization was first coined in the year 1980. Globalization since then has been cited by different people in many ways. Gordon (1995) concluded that there are three distinct and different meanings of the term â€Å"globalization†. He also stated that these three terms have separate implications and meanings for different sections of the society. The three meanings are Multi-nationalization, Internationalization and Trans-nationalization. Multi-nationalization is defined as a phenomenon in which business houses tend to locate their business units in different nations with the help of information technology aided tools like internet and e-commerce. Internationalization is a term which refers to the expansion of the businesses of a firm into different and diverse geographical regions cutting across national boundaries. Trans-Nationalization is defined as a term which is better known as strategic alliance in which two or more business organizations from diverse countr ies share their experiences and expertise to develop new services and products on a joint basis. (Ashford, NA. n.d.). He also stated the role of information technology towards bringing about globalization. Information technology has brought with it tools like internet and e-commerce which have wiped away national and regional

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Paying for my ignorance the most bitter way Essay

Paying for my ignorance the most bitter way - Essay Example I have attached the edited work and titled it ‘PLANNING FOR THE ESSAY’ actually the text in red are new ideas I have added. I have also prepared an outline that indicates what you wrote about in each numbered paragraph in the plan. Finally, I have presented the final essay. Please let me have an immediate feedback if it fits your expectation so that if it does, I can upload the final work. I am due to travel very soon. Thank you. Strategic planning outline INTRODUCTION This part of the essay gives a general background to how the summit of the essay started or developed. It includes setting, time and introduction of main character. In this essay, the setting was my secondary school, the time was during the examination period and the chief priest and I were the major characters introduced at the introduction stage. I correlation is built at the introduction stage to allow a for a very good affiliation with the main body. i. Background and Setting I shall use this section t o introduce the theme of the essay, which is my ignorance in believing a chief priest rather than lessons learnt in school. I shall talk introduce the major setting where I faced my crisis BODY This part of the essay unfolds the main events that happened in the essay. In this case, the essay is a flashback narration of a piece of information I received from a chief priest and how I trusted the information much that I neglected what I heard in school for all the number of years I had received formal education. I fantasy point is introduced to tell of a very enjoying trip I was expecting. There however was a crisis when the trip did not come off because I felt sick – with the sickness being the direct result of the belief I had in the story I was told by the chief priest. I have divided the body of the essay into three sub-sections as detailed below ii. The misconception and ignorance I shall present what the misconception and ignorance I believed in was, where I heard it, when I heard it, from whom I heard it and how I took it. iii. A expectant fantasy I shall talk about a fantasy point I was expecting in my life. This fantasy point is important for the essay because it highlights the crisis I faced out of my ignorance. iv. Crisis point – results of my ignorance I shall talk about the crisis that marred the fantasy but the main focus here is to explain the result of my ignorance, which was of course a negative result. CONCLUSION The conclusion seeks to summarize the essay and tell the result of the ignorance I had in my case. There were lessons I learnt and all these have been factored in the conclusion. The lessons make the essay worth narrating to someone. v. Outcome of the crisis I shall explain how the crisis affected my fantasy. Whether I could still have the fantasy or not. vi. Lessons learnt from the crisis This will be the concluding part of the essay, talking about the lessons I learnt at the end of the day Planning the Essay i. Formal ed ucation is supposed to widen our knowledge about issues of life but even at the secondary school level, I did not wholly believe everything that I learnt in school. With all the years of education I had had and with age, I still did not believe what my formal education told taught me about malaria. It was in 2001. I was a high school student in senior secondary three in Nigeria by then and I just clocked eighteen years in February that year yet, I held on to beliefs in stories a popular chief priest had told me rather than what my teachers had taught me all this while. I remained daft over numerous television programs on malaria prevention and control. Even what I learnt in the class about mosquitoes never changed my mind. For this reason, I never thought of

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Satan, hero Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Satan, hero - Essay Example This paper is a critical review of the character the devil and some of the ways in which he is made different from what we would expect. Milton clearly brings out some artistic styles can be of great use in analyzing this topic and coming up with a clear conclusion. Is Satan the hero of the epic poem paradise lost and does he shows signs of a likeable and sympathetic hero from the story? Milton starts by taking us to the creation story. However, his main interest is not about God, Adam or eve. He is more concerned with the challenges that face Satan: â€Å"F Mans First Disobedience, and the Fruit Of that Forbidden Tree, whose mortal tast Brought Death into the World, and all our woe With loss of Eden, till one greater Man Restore us, and regain the blissful Seat† (Milton 1) He starts by explaining some of the challenges that Satan underwent during the creation period and why he was to resist all these challenges and become Gods worst enemy. He starts the poem by saying that in the beginning all humans are oppressed by one ruler who he says is God until one-man (Satan) come and sets us free. This is a clear indication that Milton loves Satan and would follow him all the way to the gates of hell if given a chance. He sees the life that Adam and eve lived and link it to that of dictatorship. It is for this reason that Satan come out and convinces man to eat the forbidden fruit and be like God. This is a clear epic story told by an expert who knows how to involve his character and makes people love his character. From this statement, it is easy and normal for the reader to start hating God and at the same time start loving Satan. It is normal for one to start realizing the dictatorship of god and start seeing the deliverance of Satan. The other point that shows the devil as a hero is the fact that Satan realizing the oppression and dictatorship that God has, decides t fight all these with just a group of his loyal angels. This shows that the devil is not jus t ready to reveal the dictatorship of God rather he is also ready to fight for it just to see that man is finally free from the dictator. This puts Satan like a human rights activists who is ready to die just to ensure that other people are well and that people are delivered from the dictator. This is one of the most common forms of epic stories and poems and is a clear depiction of mastery of poetic strengths. Milton uses his skills not only to make one like Satan but to also make the reader to have some hatred of Gods view of the world and how he intended us to live. It also makes the reader have some sympathetic feelings for Satan and see him as a person who had a determination for the entire world population to be rescued from the dictatorship of God. This makes Satan likeable (Milton 6). With mastery of classical tragedy, Satan in paradise lost contains some elements of a hero. In a classical tragedy, a faithful man is put to many troubles and undergoes many problems just to sa ve his people or to fight the master who has all the power to control everything and therefore uses his powers to kill the dreams of the hero. In paradise lost, God is seen to have many supernatural powers, which he uses to his advantage. With all these resources, it is close to impossible for the devil to fight him and win. To start with, he has many angels who Milton considers his army and the devil only has a few of such angels who God refers to as demons. It is therefore close to impossib

Law Journal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Law Journal - Essay Example A few of the abovementioned components are examined briefly below. Legislation is enacted by Parliament which contains two chambers – the House of Commons and the House of Lords. An Act of Parliament begins life as a bill, which is a proposed draft of an Act and passes through the various stages of the enactment process prior to becoming binding law. Delegated legislation as the name suggests is brought about in situations where the statute alone cannot provide for all the technicalities required. So it provides the broad framework whilst the details are filled in by the relevant minister by way of delegated legislation. These regulations when made in the approved manner are just as much law as the parent statute itself. (b) The English Legal System’s civil court structure consists of the European court of Justice, the House of Lords, the Court of Appeal, the Divisional Courts, the High Court, the County Court and the Magistrates Court. The system of Judicial Precedent in a nutshell would involve a court being bound by similar decisions made by courts of equal or higher status and is not merely a mechanical process of matching similarities and differences but involves the art of interpreting the principle derived from an earlier case. Decisions of the House of Lords bind all lower courts. After a protracted debate on whether or not House of Lord decisions binds future House of Lord’s cases the Practice Statement (Judicial Precedent) 1966 1 WLR 1234 established that though the doctrine of being bound had many commendable points â€Å"a too rigid adherence to precedent may lead to injustice in a particular case and also unduly restrict the proper development of the law†. However, the Lords depart from earlier decision only in rare circumstances. One such case is the case of British Railways Board Vs Herrington1 where the lords faced a number of earlier decisions wherein they had held that there was only a limited duty of care in neglig ence owed to children who trespassed onto property. Since perceptions of public policy have changed over the years their lordships felt able to ignore the earlier decisions and impose on British Railways a duty of care in keeping railway fences repaired. Strictly speaking the Court of Appeal is bound to follow all decisions of the House of Lords. There were some attempts by Lord Denning however to change this strict rule. He launched a two pronged attack by saying that (a) that if a House of Lords decision had been made per incuriam it could not be followed and (b) that if the reasoning for a rule had lapsed or seek to be of significance it need not be followed. These attempts were however not viewed favourably by the House of Lords and therefore the Court of Appeal is now bound to follow all House of Lords decisions. It may however choose between its own conflicting decisions. All courts that are lower in status than the Court of Appeal are bound by the doctrine of Judicial Precede nt in the normal way. Contract (a) An offer is a proposal by one person to another of certain terms of performance, which proposal is made with the intention that it be accepted by such other person. The promise of performance however is conditional upon a return promise or an act or forbearance being received in exchange for it for it to mature into a contract. An offer should be definite. Therefore a promise to pay a specified sum if a horse purchased were â€Å"

Friday, July 26, 2019

Budget prioritization issues, budget cuts, increases tuitions affect Essay

Budget prioritization issues, budget cuts, increases tuitions affect higher education - Essay Example It can be problematic for a university that does not have the financial means to meet all needs of the students. However, students simply cannot be the sole income resource to help an institute of higher learning to completely operate and maintain the overhead. There may be an issue at some higher educational institutions and universities where the monetary resources are not there to completely provide to a student. This could result in a student not receiving the type of education they anticipate due to budget cuts and priorities made by universities. There then can be a digression at these learning institutions because universities often turn to increasing tuition to help accommodate for the losses. However, if no changes are being made to the university, are students really getting what they are paying for per credit hour in tuition? If students start to compare schools and determine they can receive the same credentials from universities which have more to offer because they have more income to create better learning environments but yet the tuition is higher, it is likely the student will choose a different institution. Therefore, a university finds itself in even more of an economic and budget stretch because of decreased enrollment due to higher tuition rates. Students then cannot afford the university and the university cannot then afford to offer the best technologies, smaller class sizes, more faculty, a variety of class options and also a larger variety of degree programs or certifications. When this happens, what exactly is the draw for a student to attend that college because no matter where a student chooses to go for higher educational needs, tuition is typically not cheap. Before looking at budget cuts and prioritization issues, one might just want to take a look at the common cost of a college class per credit hour to get an idea of how much a student might spend on their higher

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Family Interview project Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Family Interview project - Essay Example The eldest son is going to a preparatory school, the youngest is just a year and a half old. They are living in a middle-class subdivision. The relationship of the father between the two children is not any different with each other. He treats the eldest the same way he treats the youngest though he and the eldest son know that he is a stepdad. It has not been very difficult for them to establish a relationship since the eldest son was just young and there is no other prominent father figure present in his life. Their family is a picture of a happy one. Though there are the normal arguments and discussions between the couple and the between parent and child, there isn’t any inkling, if you’re a stranger looking at them, that they are a remarried family. The mother transitioned from being a single parent to a remarried parent. She has been a single parent for two years before she remarried and introduced her new husband to their family. Being a single parent, I was able to identify with her since I am mothering two children alone. This became the focus of our conversation, wherein she told me stories of the difficulties and perks of being a single parent and a remarried parent. It wasn’t that hard to introduce the new father since there was no prominent father figure prior him. The hard part was her adjustment to a new life with a man leading the house since she was used to being the head of the family. The once â€Å"her rules† became â€Å"his rules† or â€Å"his and her rules.† Eventually though, since her firstborn, being very young, easily adapted to situation, she was able to adapt to fairly quick. She is glad, she says, that she has found a partner that can help her raise her children and help them development mentally and socially since being alone sometimes gets too stressful because she has no one to share the tasks and responsibilities with. From a single parent family,

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Critical Review of a Performance (Luisa Miller by Verdi) with as Essay

Critical Review of a Performance (Luisa Miller by Verdi) with as correlated main theme ''LOVE AND FEAR INTERACTION'' - Essay Example This insurgency brought with it another market economy, in view of new innovation machine devices and machine control rather than human instruments and creature power. Towns blasted into urban focuses and individuals moved to them from homesteads and the farmland to take employments in recently opened plants. With next to zero regulations set up, these occupations could be severe. Men, ladies, and kids worked 14 hour shifts; where they had once read a clock by the sun, now they could go weeks without seeing the light of day. Quick development handled urban areas that were filthy and packed, the working poor regularly existed in filthiness, and smokestacks obscured the air with ash (Baldini, 1980). While industrialization made shopper products less expensive and expanded the preparation of nourishment, there were the individuals who thought over on the past longingly, seeing it as a sentimental period before individuals were commoditised and nature scourged and demolished. In the meantime, there was a developing response against the theory of the Enlightenment, which underscored science, exact confirmation, and sound thought most importantly. Sentimental people tested the thought that reason was the one way to truth, passing judgment on it lacking in understanding the extraordinary secrets of life. These riddles could be uncovered with feeling, creative energy, and instinct. Nature was particularly celebrated as a classroom for divulgence toward oneself and profound taking in, the spot in which secrets could be uncovered to the psyche of man. Sentimental people underscored a life loaded with profound feeling, otherworldly existence, and free outflow, seeing such ethics as a defence against the dehumanizing impacts of industrialization. They additionally lauded the quality of individuals, which they accepted to have endless, divine

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

I Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

I - Research Paper Example The advertisement is audacious as well as catchy to the consumer due to the ‘take a look at me’ colors that are used as well as the bold texts located in the fourth chapter (Belch, 2009, p 119). The advertisement is aimed at the girl and women consumers with bold words that say that, ‘Now you have the power’. The main purpose of the advertisement is in the promotion of the gel whose main purpose is in the styling of the lady’s hair which tends to come in different forms as well as is primarily focused on the red color. One of the main purposes of the ‘Now you have the power’ tag is to let or rather assure the consumer that despite the fact that they may not have the ability to change some other countenances of their lives, they can be assured that this gel will be able to change the object aspects of their lives. The latter tends to give the consumer a sense of assurance as well as a trust with the brand that this is a product that is wor th trying out as well as relying on it. One of the channels that I would make use of includes billboards, television advertisements and internet- social media. The reason for the use of the television advertisement is that the product is mainly aimed at a target audience that is not yet decided on the gel that they want to use or want to change the one they use and the largest undecided lot is the younger generation due to the fact that these are times that they tend to try out the things that suit them most in terms of the aspects of beautification. The use of the television advertisements is based on the sense that the younger generations are the ones that are mostly glued to the television sets therefore it will attract them more to use the product. The use of billboards is aimed at research results that show the highest numbers of the target audience residents as well as routes of transportations so as to ensure that they get to see that the product exists. The use of social med ia is based on the earlier said principle that most of the target audience is young. As research shows, most of the younger people tend to spend a lot of their time on the social media which is why it will be most suitable basing this on the sense that if you advertise a product whereby most of the target market is located, you will most likely win their minds. The backlash that would arise would be in the television advertisement basing this on the sense of the chosen time for the run of the advertisement, the target audience’s attention is captured by another show on another station or an issue that might affect the running if the advertisement such as national breaking news. The second advertisement that I selected is one found in the fourth chapter is one that was meant for the purpose of the promotion of Michelin tires. This advertisement is aimed at an audience target that is more likely to purchase the product which in this case is most likely; families, males or any o ther person who owns a car (Belch, 2009, p 124). One of the things that tends to make the advertisement eye catching is the fact that they used the Michelin mascot in their advertisements. The Michelin mascot is a pumped up cartoon version of a stout tire like a man who is saving a bunch of woolly adorable creatures. The advertisement shows a car that is driving along the woods on a night that can be described as

Monday, July 22, 2019

Global sourcing Essay Example for Free

Global sourcing Essay 1) What is global sourcing? Global sourcing is defined as the process of identifying, developing, and utilizing the source of supply for the enterprise through expanding purchasing activities internationally. It is a part of post reengineering activities which is an useful measure of cutting cost. Global sourcing is a typical example of foreign construction outsourcing firms which process construction by distributing each process of construction work to vendors instead of running on its own. Such construction method not only does reduce costs in terms of managing construction sites such as labor cost and equipment cost including vehicles, but also is being adopted by various companies for value-adding construction management (CM) project. For instance, global sourcing was utilized when building Daewoo Business Center at Warszawa, Poland, on March, 1997. The process of erecting the center was alloted to vendors; construction was executed by VOICE(England), design through RTKL(U.S.), facility management was duty of Dongwoo which is a department of Daewoo Group, hotel management by Hilton hotel(U.S.). 2) Global sourcing factors Global sourcing factors that must be understood and balanced can be segmented into 5 categories. First factor is material cost. The bottom line of execution of global sourcing is reduce cost by minimizing material cost. Another category is transportation cost. Various costs including inventory delivery cost can be dwindled through global sourcing. Moreover, significant amount of transportation expense can be reduced when marketing products at outsourcing regions. Cross-border taxes, tariffs, and duty costs are third factor which form global sourcing. Instead of relying on domestic production but rather outsource each process internationally, costs can be reduce by avoiding trade barriers which include cross-border tax, tariff and duty cost. Next factor is supply and operational performance. With effective resource management and cheap labor cost, supply and operational performance can be efficiently managed which enables global sourcing companies to manufacture high quality-low price merchandises. The last category of global sourcing is supply and operational risks. Cultural and geographical disparities can yield additional costs such as labor cost and transportation cost. If not managed thoroughly, they can militate as huge risks in terms of conducting sourcing. 3) Advantages of global sourcing There are three major merits of performing global sourcing; gumption to changes, reduction of cost, and trade barriers avoidance. To begin with, global sourcing allows a firm to develop capacity to cope with changes in market condition. Importing numerous raw materials and resources economically and steadily can be done through global sourcing. With such abundant resources, a firm can flexibly adopt to environmental alterations when confronting unexpected economic crisis. Secondly, average 20% of cost saving is possible. Components of products or raw materials procured from abroad is advantageous in terms of price. Furthermore, many countries such as American and Europe are sourcing materials to cut cost in terms of distribution industries. As a result, China has become the hub of production base for global sourcing. Even in case of Korea, sourcing products from China are 30%~40% cheaper than Korean domestic goods. In particular, simple functional merchandizes whose design and quality are relatively less considered are largely influenced by global sourcing. Consequently, over 70% of commodities and clothes are imported from China. Last merit of global sourcing is evasion of trade barriers. In case of global sourced goods, the price is lower, leading to economical purchase, by avoiding trade barriers such tariffs and cross-border taxes. On top of that, firms are able to acquire restricted raw materials and resource. Thus, unique and competitive products can be created. 2. Case-Study (LiFung) 1) Introduction LiFung is a professional trading company which specializes in global sourcing and was founded in 1906. It functioned as a broker between Asian manufacturers and foreign traders and expanded as a trading company later on. Today, LiFung acts as a professional sourcing and distribution firm focusing on toys and textile. Becoming an intermediary, it reconstructed the business by forming it as a connection and manager of diverse supply chains. LiFung is the representative of smokeless factory without owning any equipment and factories regarding production process from raw material to final goods and distribution of final products. 2) Business area / Present condition LiFung won the rewards in Fabulous 50 selectied by Forbes Asia, 50 for 2012 from Morgan Stanley, and The most influential companies 25 from Business week. The sales of LiFung in 2007 was 92.4 billion in Hong Kong dollars, approximately 36% increase in sales compared to that of 2006. Net income reached 30 billion dollars(2007) and LiFung Co. Ltd. succeed in gaining 19.8% increase in sales (110.7 billion Hongkong dollars)than that of previous year. After 1998, foreign companies such as The Limited, Gymboree, American Eagle, Warner Brothers, Abercrombie Fitch, Bed, Bath Beyond, Tesco, Avon Products, Levi-Strauss, Reebok have become major customers of LiFung, and Royal Ahold, Guess Jeans, Bebe also joined as major customers of LiFung in 2000. As a result, LiFung currently has 68 offices in the 38 countries, and shareholders numbers 17,900. In addition, it consists of 107,000 employees engaged in the business associated with LiFung, especially 40,000 related businesses only in the United States. Thus, it can be said that LiFung has entered plateau stage as a company settling new form of SCM rather than just being a simple trading firm. 3) Platform / Operation System LiFung is one of the enterprises which effectively employ platform strategy. In terms of strategy, LiFung adequately balances SRM and CRM strategy to manage producers and customers. LiFung distributes textile component orders to vendors as soon as receiving orders from textile industries. It makes most of 15,000 subcontractors which are located around the globe. When producing a jacket, for example, LiFung procures materials from diverse vendors; outshell is from Korea, Zipper from Japan, lining is done from Thailand, and trademarks and thread from Hongkong. Fabric is dyed in Southern Asia, China sews, and finally quality inspection and packaging are done in Hongkong. Then, headquarter in Hongkong generally manages cash flow and value-added process. 4) Success Factors Success factors of LiFung can be categorized into three elements. The first factor is IT evolution. Through IT development, product lead time dwindled through forming network among producers and customers, and even efficiently manage vendors. Another facet is SRM and CRM, especially have strength on SRM. LiFung analyze customer’s needs and scrutinize supply chain to meet the desires. Since firms tend to focus on maximizing their capability instead of in accordance with needs, LiFung can otherwise strive to fortify supply chain or value chain for customers. In other words, the key role of LiFung is to direct manufacturers of supply chain to the intended direction. For that specific purpose, it establishes education to producers on scattered network management rather than having strict control system for managing vendors, and emphasizes on trust and active empowerment. Lastly, LiFung follows 30/70 rule, which is to set a standard(from 30% to 70% of total production) on production quota to LiFung. This enables LiFung to have loose liaison among subcontractors. Minimum 30% of total production allows LiFung to possess minimum supply from each subcontractors and prevention vendors from being subordinates can be done by setting maximum 70%. The core objective of this principle is to assure vendors of gaining huge profit from being a member of the network and on the other hand guaranteeing flexibility of business and availability of a room for growth. Other vendors also benefit from the principle by being expose to opportunities to work with others, which help them to learn and come up with innovative ideas. Such principle demonstrates value of LiFung on making supply chain more dynamic and lively. Thus, change in partners frequently happens in supply chain of LiFung. In conclusion, LiFung shows contradictory management of pursuing stable and long-term partnership whereas also demanding loose network instead to forming strict organization. 3. Problem Solution 1) Wage stagnation / Pricing pressure The first problem of LiFung is wage stagnation of China. China accounts for 60% of total global sourcing of LiFung, which means that shift in China impact LiFung heavily. After the economic liberalization of China, China has been able to attract world companies as the most suitable production base due to cheap and abundant labor. As a consequence of substantial growth, China’s wage has been increasing 16% annually. As labor cost takes up the largest portion of garment industry’s costs, Li Fung’s first half of 2011 net income dwindled 18%. Therefore, there is high necessity for finding a new production base(a new partners) and gain price competitiveness through such measure. Second problem is overseas buyers’ desire to lower supply pricing due to high uncertainty from global recession. As shown in the ‘average import price of textile in the U.S.’ graph on the right, the average import price has been continually decreasing, from $3.18 in 2006 t o $3 in 2009. Heavy pressure on supply pricing is having negative impact on net income of LiFung. 2) China U.S Trade conflict Third adversity is potential trade disputes between the United States and China. This trade conflict, which is referred to as protectionism, is noteworthy of a notice as 69% of total production of LiFung is sold to the United States. The United States has criticized China on the currency exchange rate manipulation, along with accusation of exchange dumping. In addition, Section 421 is an article which can be executed in a situation where increased import of Chinese products acts as a severe damage to American domestic industries. Accordingly, it is inevitable to exclude potential trade conflict between two countries on account of high possibility of implementing additional countervailing duty by executing section 421. 3) Expanding partners in Southern Asia In preparation for deterioration of China’s production environment and falling competitiveness of China as a sourcing region, Southern Asia is evaluated as the most practical alternative for strategic sourcing of LiFung. In terms of percentage change in world textile industry sourcing, diminution of China is noticeable, as –7%, whereas Vietnam and Bangladesh show growth, respectively displaying 1% and 20% of sourcing uprising rate. To demonstrate suitability of sourcing to Banladesh, environment of Bangladesh such as social infrastructure and facilities, and educational level should be thoroughly examined. Nevertheless, wage of Bangladesh is much cheaper than that of China, Bangladesh being one third that of China, in terms of only considering unit labor cost. Furthermore, Bangladesh is likely to be significantly equipped with garment-industry infrastructure judging from the large number of textile industries sourcing to Bangladesh. Therefore, it is no hasty conclusion that Bangladesh is the most appropriate region for new production base of LiFung. 4) Quality management system Controlling over 15,000 vendors is demanding and the possible drawback is failure of consistency in quality. Since quality is prerequisite these days, stricter vendor’s quality management system should be made. One of the tools that LiFung can utilize and apply stricter is ‘Vendor compliance index’. There are six indexes LiFung should keep attention to; efficient operation, productivity, process innovation, ensuring the quality, purchase the appropriate law material, and good working condition of labor. By balancing and fulfilling following vendor compliance indexes, LiFung will be able to afford products to customer with coherent quality. 4. Conclusion The concept having used by LiFung is highly familiar to us as global sourcing is also deployed by domestic companies such as Samsung and LG. Global sourcing can be divided into two factors; risk element and opportunity element. These two elements are in trade-off relation which means that change in one element accompanies the other, while endeavoring to maximize opportunity element. Thus, taking advantage of opportunity and risk element in a timely manner is the premise for successful global sourcing and in-depth analysis on local region and strategy should be followed when implementing global sourcing.

How to Protect the Environment Essay Example for Free

How to Protect the Environment Essay Character is a pattern of behavior, thoughts and feelings based on universal principles, moral strength, and integrity – plus the guts to live by those principles every day. Character is evidenced by your life’s virtues and the â€Å"line you never cross.† Character is the most valuable thing you have, and nobody can ever take it away. Why Character is Important Character in life is what makes people believe in you and is essential both for individual success and for our society to function successfully. Each individual must do his or her part every day by living a life of integrity. Integrity is adhering to a moral code of honesty, courage, strength and truthfulness – being true to your word. When you don’t exhibit integrity, other people get hurt. But you hurt yourself even more. When you cheat, your â€Å"success† is false. When you break a promise, you are showing that your word is meaningless. When you lie, you deceive others and lose their respect. All of those examples destroy your reputation and break the trust others have in you. Without your good reputation and trustworthiness, your relationships fail. Relationships and Success Relationships are the foundation for success in life. For example, when you destroy the relationships with your friends, you will have no friends. You will be isolated and alone. If a student promises not to cheat, but does, he is taking unfair advantage to put himself ahead of others without deserving it. He can ruin his reputation, his academic record and his job prospects forever. When a businessman makes a promise to customers and doesn’t deliver, he destroys his relationships with his customers. His customers go elsewhere and his business fails. By breaking your relationships, you break the foundation for success in your life. What is true success? For example, who is more successful? Someone who is famous and makes a great deal of money, or someone who has no fame, makes little money, but is a great parent? Today, in school, is too much emphasis being placed on â€Å"good grades† and â€Å"high test scores† – so much so that are these things, rather than good character, how we define success? Conclusion Your good character is the most important asset you have. It takes a lifetime to build but can be lost in an instant. Once lost, it is difficult to regain. Your true character is revealed when no one else is looking. Often, people decide to act based on short term gain, or an easy fix to a problem and end up doing the wrong thing. The old adage â€Å"you are what you do† is true. Failure to consider the long term consequences of your acts can be disastrous. By study and focusing on the importance of character, you will be guided by principles, moral strength, and integrity to do the right thing. Nothing is more important for true success in your life.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Evaluation Of Service Quality In Hotel Taj Marriot Tourism Essay

Evaluation Of Service Quality In Hotel Taj Marriot Tourism Essay To lead and become the international benchmark in the hospitality industry, not only in India but also in the Key regions of the world and To dazzle and delight our customers with utmost quality, food and beverage experience and exceptional service standards. The Taj Mahal hotel, Mumbai(india ) was opened on December 16,1903 under the taj group by Jamsetji Nusserwanji Tata, the founder of the Tata Group. htis hotel was incorporated with IHCL. Now currently Rs. 678 millions can be operated bythe taj hotels. t his is growing day by day and become th elargest hotel chain in the india. The Taj Mahal Palace Tower is one of the famous five star hotels in india and it is regarded as the most prestigious luxury five star hotel. This hotel is 105 years old hotel having the heritage building under the group of taj hotel resorts and palaces. The hotel taj mahal contains 565 rooms.this hotel was opened in 1903 commisioned in Indo-saracenic style by Tata. the hotel taj made unique history from his service sand and give best service sto their customers and supportive fro every has marvellous artitecure which brings together Moorish , Florentine and oriental styles. It is a gracious landmark of Mumbai as it provides panoramic views of the Arabi an Sea and the Gateway of India. On novemeber 2008 , during the series of terroroist attacks in mumbai , the hotel taj marriot was under attack of the terrorists there is a big damage in the hotel including destruction of roof and about 167 hostages were therehe. After this attack the management of hotel annouced thathe hotel will be repared and the expenditure to repair it will be INR 5 billions and it will take 12 months to repair. In july ,209 , Hilary Clinton visit the Mumbai taj hotel and stayed there as the patway to improvement the hotel taj mahal,in October 12, 2006, the Company approved the Scheme, under Sections 391 to 394 of the Companies and this scheme was approved by the High Courts.   In July 2002, the hotel has won several international awards. The Taj hotel Group also obtained licenses to manage and operate two leisure hotels; the Rawal-Kot, Jaisalmer and Usha Kiran Palace, Gwalior in October 2002. Taj Group access to the midtown and North Mumbai market. The hotel has since been renamed as the Taj Lands End, Mumbai. An din tear 2003 the hotel taj celebrated its centenary of the opening of its flagship hotel. In 2004 it opened its first luxury service apartment Wellington Mews. The Taj Mahal Intercontinental Hotel in Mumbai consist of 582 rooms which are fully air condodtione dwith 49 suits.each room is equipped with data port , speaker phones , with IDD ,fax available , sea cty fcing rooms TV and satellite rooms , 24 service fro laundary service with eminent club rooms. This hotel in the Mumbai provide the top most services in the luxury hotels and majestic accommodation. During the recession period After the terrorist attack in 2008 taj has to face the financial problems and to rasise up from it this affects the occupancy rate of the hotel and to improve the occupancy rate the hotel offered the suite of $6750 per offer to attract te tourist . the torist in hotel taj came from the worldwide.after the attack the hoyel made a a mable memorialin the lobby for 131 guests and staff who died in terrorist attack. Now they have improved their security system by putting xray machines ansd metal detectors on the screen guessts at the entrance of the vechicals. According to business weekly news there is decline of 5.8 %in Mumbai for shares in Indian hotelsltd. Operator of taj brand . Beside of all these taj is one of the original grand hotel in the world. With the passing of time its reputation spread and grew constantly. LITERATURE REVIEW Literature review: Two major reasons exist for reviewing the literature. The first, the preliminary search that helps you to generate and refine your research ideas. The second, often referred to as critical review, is part of research project proper. (Sharp and Howard, 1996) Most research books argue that this critical review of literature is necessary. After through studies of different Export and import books and  literature, I have found that only a small portion is dedicated to the buyers and sellers behavior and most of the focus is given to, how to export and import. No doubt these were not adequate information to compete my research thats why I decided to search more and more information on topic and now hopefully I have gathered adequate information to deal with my Research methodology and to support my arguments. And this information, gathered from journal and articles will focus on the British and Pakistani textiles buyers and sellers perspective. The literature used in this research will also help in analyzing the issues and results critically either by comparing different point of views of different authors or by quoting statements in the favor of results. To gain products knowledge I will use my observations and company documents. Deductive approach: A theory/hypothesis is applied/tested by the collection of data. I shall use the literature to help me to identify theories and ideas that I shall test using data. I shall also develop a theoretical or conceptual framework which I subsequently test using data.   Inductive approach: Theory is developed after the data have been collected. I will be planning to explore my data and to develop theories from them that I shall subsequently relate to the literature. Review purposes: The literature review has a number of purposes. Many of these have been highlighted by Gall et al. (1996). These are To help you to refine further your research question(s) and objectives; To highlight research possibilities that have been overlooked implicitly in research to date; To help you to avoid simply repeating work that has been done already; To sample current opinions in newspapers, professional and trade journals thereby gaining insight into the aspects of your research question(s) and objectives that are considered newsworthy; To discover and provide an insight into research strategies and methodologies that may be appropriate to your own research question(s) and objectives; To discover explicit recommendations for further research. These can provide you with superb justification for your own research question(s) and objectives; Literature sources available: The literature sources available to help researcher to develop a good understanding of and insight into previous research can be divided into three categories: Primary (published and unpublished) Secondary Tertiary Primary literature sources  (also known as grey literature) are the first occurrence of a piece of work. They include published sources such as reports and some central and local government publications such as white papers and planning documents. They also include unpublished manuscripts sources such as letters, memos. There are so many published sources available from where I can get enough information about my research topic. Pakistani government published so much material on the export of Pakistan Textile industry. I read that publications and I got a good idea about the behavior of the Pakistani sellers and also about the buyers of the Pakistani Textile products. I also reviewed the reports, which are published by the British government about the import of the textile products from different countries. This is also helpful for my research topic. Secondary literature sources  such as books and journals are the subsequent publications of primary literature. These publications are aimed at a wider audience. They are easier to locate than primary literature as they are better covered by the tertiary literature. There is book by  Nasim Yousaf  with the title Export Import Apparel and Textiles from Pakistan will be quite helpful for my research. In this book there is so much information about the Pakistani textile industry and there is also some information about the buyers and sellers behavior. There is also enough information about the topic in so many articles and journals, which are written, by the Pakistani authors and British authors. From these articles and journals I got so much information about my topic. This will be helpful for me in the future. Tertiary literature sources  also called search tools, are designed either to help to locate primary and secondary literature or to introduce a topic. They therefore include indexes and abstract as well as encyclopedias and bibliographies. Export Promotion Bureau of Pakistan has a uploaded a website and on that website I found so much relevant material about my research topic. In that website there is so much information about the, share of Pakistani textile products in the international market, the information about the main buyers and sellers of textiles products, about the quality of the Pakistani textile products, in that website they also discussed the buyers expectation from the Pakistani seller. So this website of Export Promotion Bureau Pakistan is also a good source or information for my research topic. Evaluating the literature: For evaluating the literature two questions frequently asked how do I know what I am reading is relevant? and how do I know when I have read enough? both of questions are concerned with the process of evaluation. You should, of course, read all the literature that is closely related to your research question(s) and objectives. The literature that is most likely to cause problems is that which is less related (Gall et al.; 1996). After collecting all the information from all of the sources then I will evaluate my literature that what is much important for my research and which is less important for my research topic. I will evaluate the literature by keeping some important in my mind like how recent the item is, do it have enough references, does the item support my research topic etc. Research Design and Methodology: The research philosophy: The research philosophy refers to the fundamental approach that research should be conducted. There are three views about the research process dominating the literature: positivism, interpretivism, and realism. The mixed approach will be applied in my research work, primarily because the subject matter is largely intangible, open to subjective interpretation and based upon social interaction.  As Saunders et al (2003, p99)  point that: there are two major advantages to applying multi-methods in the same study. First, different methods can be used for different purposes in a study. Secondly, it enables triangulation to take place.   Qualitative Approach: Secondary Research: Published  data that is Books about the export of Pakistan textiles and also about the buyers and sellers behavior of the Pakistan textile. Articles and Journals on Pakistan textile export for UK Chamber of Commerce Documents Internet Websites Past conducted research Print and electronic media Primary Research: Personal experience and observations: As I have worked in this industry thats why I know the trends in textile and the rules against conducting this business. I also have the idea of Britain buyers behaviors and about their needs and expectations. Pure Research: The research conducted for the topic will be pure and it will discuss the core issue for the sake of improving knowledge. It will directly discuss about the buyers and sellers behavior for the Pakistan textile industry in a theoretical way. Inductive Approach: My approach towards data gathering will be inductive, as it is a flexible structure to utilize all the data in your research findings and also based on qualitative data with a slight involvement of quantitative data. JUSTIFICATION HYPOTHESIS METHODOLOGY RESEARCH REPORT 2. SECONDARY RESEARCH PRIMARY RESEARCH QUALITATAIVE QUANTITATIVE SCOPE LIMITATION ETHICS

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Survival in The Bean Trees Essay -- Barbara Kingsolver The Bean Trees

Survival in The Bean Trees In 1859, Charles Darwin published his most famous work, On the Origin of the Species by Means of Natural Selection (Encarta 96). This book explained Darwin's theory of natural selection, a process not unlike separating the wheat from the chaff, where the least fit are eliminated, and only the fittest survive. An extension of this theory known as Social Darwinism emerged in the late 19th century. "Social Darwinists believed that people, like animals and plants, compete for survival and, by extension, success in life" (Encarta 96). Under this theory, the individuals who acquire the power and wealth are deemed the fittest, while those of lower economic and social levels are considered the least fit (Griffin Lecture). This appears to be a theory that Barbara Kingsolver sets out to disprove in her novel The Bean Trees. In a review in The Women's Review of Books, Margaret Randall observes that this is a novel not about "middle-class America, but real middle America, the unemployed and unde remployed, the people working fast-food joints or patching tires, Oklahoma Indians, young mothers left by wandering husbands or mothers who never had husbands" (Randall 1). Ultimately, it is about survivors -- women such as Taylor Greer who sets out from Kentucky to find a better life and finds responsibility for another life; Mattie whose survival is wrapped up in her role as savior to all in need who enter Jesus Is Lord Used Tires; Lou Ann Ruiz who is afraid of life and in need of finding her strength; and Esperanza whose child was taken from her in a political struggle and who needs to find the will to live -- who pool their resources, both financial and emotional. These women have courage, humor and each other, resou... ...nd in strength, and they do survive. Works Cited Butler, Jack. "She Hung the Moon and Plugged in All the Stars." The New York Times Book Review. April 10, 1988: 15. FitzGerald, Karen. "A Major New Talent." Ms. XVI.10 (1988): 28. Griffin, Joan. Lecture. English 3230. Metropolitan State College, Denver. 7 Oct.1999. Gale Literary Databases: Contemporary Authors. "Barbara Kingsolver." 11 November 1999: 3. =d&NA=Kingsolver%2C+barbara Kingsolver, Barbara. The Bean Trees. New York: HarperPerennial, 1992. Kingsolver, Barbara. Letter. Contemporary Literary Criticism Yearbook. Vol. 55. (1988): 68. Randall, Margaret. "Human Comedy." The Women's Review of Books. V.8 (1988): 1. "Social Darwinism." Microsoft Encarta96 Encyclopedia. CD ROM. Microsoft Corporation. 1995.

Friday, July 19, 2019

The Decisions to Bomb the Serbs :: essays research papers

THE DECISION TO BOMB THE SERBS   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Decision to Bomb the Serbs was a very interesting case study. It was hard for me to choose a case study but after reading my top three choices I finally came to a conclusion. I never knew about this particular topic, but as I read I was impressed with it, which brought this question to my mind. Should the US have intervened to prevent or end violations of human rights in Kosovo, when these violations did not directly affect other American interests? This was one of the many questions that I and the American public asked themselves, their congressmen and ultimately, their government, during the chaos in the Middle East. It must have been a difficult task to decide whether or not to take action against Milosevic in Belgrade. In this case there are many underlying concepts that shape the way in which the events that led to the bombing of Kosovo played out. I will attempt, in this paper, to discuss the different themes that played a role in this case study. It was thought that the Kosovo crisis came at a time when the President of the United States was most distracted, and could easily have made the wrong decisions. Based on the severity of the situation in Kosovo, one would need to focus on the negotiations necessary to find peace. The Clinton Administration ¡Ã‚ ¦s primary focus was on the pending impeachment of their leader. The case against President Bill Clinton required his undivided attention, as it pertained to his promiscuous actions while in office. The lack of personal attention to this crisis as it developed, may have been the triggering factor that led to many deaths and violent acts of crime that took place in Kosovo. The decision to bomb was one that could not follow the rational method of decision making, even though the goals, alternatives and consequences were known. The US government knew what the primary goal was pertaining to Kosovo, they needed to negotiated or come to some form of middle ground with Milosevic, allowing for peace. They had alternatives to the negotiation process, which was to take military action. The consequence of taking these actions would be the repercussions of the bombings. Even with all this known, it would still be impossible to follow the rational decision-making model as defined by Charles Lindbolm. However, a more appropriate method would be the  ¡Ã‚ ¥Branch Method ¡Ã‚ ¦.

Islam in Italy Essay -- Islam Italy History Essays

Islam in Italy Problems with format 'Like many minority communities of varying religious and ethnic backgrounds, Muslims have struggled to define their place in societies around the world.' As immigration patterns have ebbed and flowed through the centuries, Italy is one of many European countries that plays host to a growing number of Muslim immigrants.? Muslims struggle with identity, intermarriage, gender relations, worship, education, and civil rights in the context of their new country.? These issues are particularly poignant for Muslims entering and living within Italy during this religiously momentous time.? During the past twenty years, Italy has seen a resurgence of immigrants who hold to the Islamic tradition.? For the largely Catholic Italy, the impact of this is immeasurable and has catapulted society and government toward decisions that will forever alter the country (Israely). A Brief Look at an Ancient History Historically, the Italian peninsula has been exposed to Islamic influence since the beginning of the Muslim age in the seventh century A.D. (Matthews).? As Islam spread north and west, the Byzantine Empire effectively remained a blockade until the fall of Constantinople in 1453.? But another road into Europe was open for Islam by traveling across North Africa, over the sea, and up to the island of Sicily and the Italian mainland.? After years of skirmishes, Sicily was taken in 902.? The Roman Empire quelled much of the Muslim activity in mainland Italy, and there are still remnants of Saracen towers, positions to watch for Muslim invaders approaching by sea.? Though the Muslims never gained a strong foothold in mainland Italy, the island of Sicily was securely theirs for two centuries.? Du...>. Holzner, Claudio. ?Re-Birth of Islam In Italy: Between Indifference and Intolerance.? The Journal of the International Institute. Vol. 3, Issue 2, (1996): 4pp. Israely, Jeff. ?In Catholic Italy, Islam makes inroads.? The Boston Globe. 14 May. 2000. ?<>. Kern, Gunther. ?Italy?s Muslims in Uphill Battle for Recognition.? IslamOnline. 2003. <>. Matthews, Jeff. ?Early Islam in Italy.? 2001.<>. Roggero, Maria Adele. ?Muslims in Italy? Muslims in the West, From Sojourners to Citizens. ed.Yvonne Y. Haddad. New York, NY: Oxford University Press, Inc., 2002. 131-143.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Communication and interpersonal skills Essay

Understand how communication and interpersonal skills affect managerial performance in the workplace Evaluate how interpersonal skills and communication skills affect managerial performance 2.1It is self-evident that communication and interpersonal skills are crucial in the workplace. Good two-way communication is important to enable the flow of information in an effective way whether it be verbal or non-verbal. Good communication has a positive impact on the performance of the team including; everyone is clear what is expected from them, they receive good feedback and recognition of achievements which makes staff feel valued and boosts employee morale. The manager needs to be approachable and have a non-threatening manner so staff feel at ease when discussing any issues or concerns. Good interpersonal relations encourage open behaviour where everyone is working as a team and supporting each other with a common sense of purpose. When goals and objectives are clearly set, with colleagues feeling involved and motivated, it has the overall effect of connecting each staff member and enabling team work. All of this results in a much stronger performance from the organisation as a whole, delivering high quality dental care in a happy relaxed environment and inevitably It will be much more successful in achieving its goals Poor communication results in staff being unclear of objectives, de-motivated and giving the impression of disinterest or even arrogance. Failure to communicate effectively often leads to conflict and the spread of rumours can begin to circulate which can harm a business internally as well as externally. It would be impossible to achieve the practice’s goals and objectives if there is significant conflict in the workplace. Boredom and a negative attitude also influence an employee’s receptiveness to a message. Overall poor communication and interpersonal skills have an adverse and counterproductive effect. Provide an evaluation of two or more strategies to overcome barriers to effective managerial communication and interpersonal skills. 2.2 In a small practice with part-time team members there is a high possibility of communication failure for example; messages not being passed on at all or incorrectly, decisions made earlier in the week without involvement or reference to all colleagues. This may result in mixed perceptions or feelings of marginalisation. To overcome this barrier, staff meetings are to be held on dates where all staff can attend. If this is not possible the minutes of the meeting should be written out and forwarded on to the appropriate people. It is also important to seek feedback regularly to check the message has been conveyed in a clear and concise way. Forums and emails are an efficient mechanism for short, chatty updates. It is also a good method of quickly communicating messages to several people and allowing further discussion with feedback and input. Another communication barrier that could occur would be staff not being clear of tasks that have been set for them to do by the busy, Principal Dentist. If this is done in an ad hoc, informal manner the tasks may not be done in the correct way or simply keep being rolled forward. To help overcome this barrier, I would need to ascertain from the Principal exactly what is required and when. I would then devise a rigorous schedule with clear step-by-step guide on what needs to be achieved. I would negotiate with individuals and delegate specific tasks depending on the skills required. The schedule would record who has been made responsible and have a checklist to be signed against. This would be displayed in a prominent position for example the staff room or a whiteboard. Once the job has been completed I can then report back within the time frame that the Dentist requires.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

High School Drop Outs vs. College Graduates

senior risque School Drop Outs vs. College Graduates conjecture ab go forth it, how many mickle very support through eminent train and ammonia alum? How many slew in truth graduate from college as well? full(prenominal) coach honk issue place and college graduate pass judgment ar very divergent. gritty take dropouts be more likely to be Hispanics, African Americans, and American Indians in Maryland. Also, in Maryland high takeing dropout rates have come to 23% everyplace the years jibe to the National Dropout grade by www. boostup. org. For college graduates, 31. 3% of each(prenominal) students graduate out of a public, 4-year university.On the other hand, 52. 4% of students graduate from a private, non-profit institution according to CBS News. All the students who drop out of high school and graduate college are different by the determination and feed ethic, the lifestyles and the potence earnings they might exit. The determination and break ethic ca n make a total difference in acquiring into college or not graduating high school. High school drop outs take upt have good determination or die hard ethic. They dont urgency to go to school, so they dont and stay home. They dont regard to do their work, so they dont do it.They think they dont have to do any work and waste ones time by in life, yet in reality thats not how life works. College graduates either love doing school work or they hate it, and do it any modalitys. Their work ethics are great, because they wishing to do great work, so they get amazing grades. They just get it done, so they dont have to dumbfound about it when they indigence to go out and have a fun clipping with their friends. High school drop outs and college graduates are only a product of the way they grew up the lifestyle they were raised in.The lifestyle of a high school dropout and a college graduate can be solely different, tho could as well be the same. With a high school dropout, the wo rld they grew up in could be a lower-ranking income family and they dont have very much money barely enough to get by. With not much money the student who drops out could want to leave school and work. But on the other hand, they could be getting by, and never want to go to school. A college graduate could have ii different lifestyle extremes. They could have load up of money and their parents pay for everything they own or they have just enough to get by.The college graduates who are just getting by want a higher education, so they go to college anyways with all the financial do they can get. According to the National content for Children in Poverty 40% of all American kids are living in a low income family, but I think those children should still go to school and cast out what kind of person they really, truly are. Even though more or less people go to school and dont receive good grades should go anyways to figure out who they really are. To figure out what kind of frien ds they hang out with and why they hang out with them. They also find out who their true friends are.Also, by the type of friends they have is how they are reflected to the world. High school drop outs tend not to have the type of friends that push them to be better people, but only what they are to twenty-four hour period. For college graduates, they typically would have friends and other people pushing them and wanting them to go far-off in life. The motivations of the people they have in their lives are what make college graduates and high school dropouts different. All students who drop out of high school or graduate from college are different by their determination and work ethics, their lifestyles and their potential earnings.There should be more people wanting to graduate from high school and continue to graduate from college. Also students should want to learn and continue learning. Finally, lifestyles may be different and may effect who goes to college, but shouldnt hold p eople cover charge from learning, or achieving a higher education. unless because well-nigh people may drop out of high school and some people may graduate from college shouldnt matter everyone deserves to learn every day until the day they die.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Cici’s Pizza Research Paper Essay

Cici’s Pizza Research Paper Essay

Introduction â€Å"Hi, welcome to CiCi’s! † This is the warm greeting that every CiCi’s employee will welcome every customer with when they walk through the door. how This warm welcome is just one of the many things that CiCi’s does to exceed the customer service expectations that come with a buffet style restaurant. With competition lurking, and the economy pinching, great customer service has become a premium. This is why CiCi’s focuses so much on the customer’s wants wired and needs.Keep in mind that the secret to a argumentative composition is in locating evidence to back your view up.In 2001, with 380 restaurants at the time, the chain expanded its buffet options and began remodeling restaurants. Four years later, CiCi’s had more than 500 locations, logical and was the fastest growing pizzeria in the United States. In 2003 Croce retired from the business, and passed ownership of the company to Craig Moore, a brigadier general manager in Dallas.Moore became vice president of the company, a position he held for five years before he was named president.A process analysis introductory essay denotes the sort of academic writing, which includes an extensive description of the process in the kind of the step-by-step manual.

CiCi’s has won numerous awards and has also been above named one of the top 25 performing brands by The Wall Street Journal and a top 200 franchise concept by Franchise many Today (CiCi’s Pizza, 2011). Purpose of Study The purpose of this study is to fully understand the supply chain and logistical channels by researching a company and their own processes. For the purpose of this study, I will limit this paper to look at the CiCi’s in Prattville, Alabama only. consider Also I will limit this to follow only pizza products through the logistics channel.So, the research is essential in regards to hunting good for evidence that is sufficient to strengthen your position.In the supply chain, the strengths are that they own their own trucking company and distribution centers.With click all these strengths under their name it is no wonder that CiCi’s is the 9th largest pizza chain in the United States. (Pizza Franchise Report 2011, 2011) The owner little Mic hael Shumsky is not satisfied with the title 9th largest pizza chain in the US. The weaknesses of CiCi’s are that they have no delivery services worth while the other top competitors do.Pizza Hut uses three distinct ways of selling its goods.

, 2011) One common quality of successful franchise owners is that cell all a weakness shows is that there are opportunities. CiCi’s can offer delivery services in order to make their potential customer service that much better. Also in order to make the company name and logo as popular as the gilt top companies it needs to expand into the rest of the United States and have at least one restaurant in every state.Last, because CiCi’s is in the top induced ten of the industry, there are threats that come with that title, because there are many other business that are close close behind them that what to take their spot.Pizza hut utilizes promotional strategies.Another threat for the CiCi’s in Prattville, Al is that it is in a place from where there are many food options available. Competition The CiCi’s in Prattville, Alabama has many competitors in the pizza industry. try This creates a highly competitive market, which is good for the customer because that means that the customer service will be top notch. The competitors include: Domino’s, Pizza Hut, Hungry Howie’s, Papa John’s, Little Caesar’s, Marco’s, Pasta Pizzeria & Grill, and Mellow Mushroom.Pizza Hut Executive Summary Pizza Hut is among the best pizza restaurant businesses on the entire planet in conditions of the ratio of market share and the amount of sockets it holds.

CiCi’s has established itself as a top competitor in how this market. The pizza segment of the food industry represents 11. 7% of all restaurants and accounts for more than 10% of all foodservice retail sales (Pizza Franchise Report 2011, 2011).Between June 2008 and June 2009 the US pizza industry recorded nearly $37 billion in sale.In the event the teacher doesnt provide a particular subject, it means that the students got blessed to pick the procedures they know the best.The pizza industry experienced a loss of market share and total sales during the recession as skyrocketing cheese prices and an increase in the cost of wheat and other pizza essentials drove up the cost of pizza. Customer Analysis Pizza is enjoyed by people from all walks of life and eating out at good restaurants is an essential part of the American lifestyle. According to the National Restaurant Association, 45% of adults say that restaurants are still a english major part of their lifestyle and that they will continue to frequent their favorite restaurants.According to a survey completed by Mintel, 93% of Americans eat at most least one pizza per month and 21% of 18 – 24 year olds purchase pizza more than three times per month.Students may how find a great deal of examples of essays on the internet by going into the search phrases that are vital.

Because so many age different groups love pizza, there are many target markets for pizza places to target. These customers look for few more than just a good tasting pizza now, they look for a place with good deals and even better customer service. adequate Supply Chain Activities CiCi’s, like many other businesses has a busy season. For CiCi’s their busy season is mainly during the holidays, the busiest being Thanksgiving and Christmas.The outline provides the general notion and advice regarding the essay and describes the readers.Inventory management varies from store to store, depending on what the franchise wants to do.Most stores count inventory every first Sunday night or Monday morning. The CiCi’s in Prattville counts inventory on Sunday nights. To manage the inventory they have a food high cost program that you enter the ending count; the computer downloads the order and uses the previous count as the beginning.Your paragraphs Each ought to fresh st art with a promise.

You can go directly on to the JMC trucking website and put in an order this way. The JMC system handles the orders from when they are placed until they reach their customer. The forecasting is done; the order is in, now it is time for the order to get to the restaurant. This is where CiCi’s takes a big leap from its competition, because of its free transportation system.The present trend in jewelry shops now is exactly the same.Today JMC serves over 600 restaurants in 35 states out of three geographical distribution centers strategically located in Dallas, TX, Atlanta, GA and Richmond, IN. The opening of a fourth center is in the making in Arizona. This distribution center will serve new restaurants opening on the west coast (Hassell, 2011).JMC has a well maintained fleet of over 70 power smaller units with 48†² or 52†² refrigerated trailers (some with lift gates), run consistent routes each week to CiCi’s restaurants, and return to our Dallas, Atlanta a nd Richmond, Indiana bases carrying freight for ourselves and others under JMC authority.Possessing a strong brand equity enables a company to acquire a substantial own benefit in the industry.

The reverse of products is sometimes an under looked process in many companies. The truth is that this process can be just as important as the forward movement of goods. CiCi’s does have a reverse process for damaged or broken products. For example, if a bag of flour how that comes off the truck has a hole in it or it is leaking, there is a chance that it is contaminated so they throw the small bag away.Order start and Now Use the purchase calculator below! A growing number of individuals are finding jobs through connections.Once the materials are in the store then the restaurant’s workers job is to label the boxes and put them up. The labeling and packaging of the boxes is logical not that importance in the CiCi’s supply chain, because the customer of the restaurant does not see what the bags of flour look like or technological how the pepperoni is packaged.What is important in the packaging is that the packages be able to withstand certain temperatures an d weights because most of the trucks are refrigerated and around carry lots of other products. Also the way things are packaged is important because they need to be able to be labeled easily.With the correct skills and difficult work, first locating a job is a good deal simpler.

The biggest of the three facilities is the one in Dallas, TX. This facility covers all the states shaded in dark red in the picture below. Second largest facility is the one in Atlanta, GA. This one covers the states shaded in yellow.Simply give how them a thought of you may chat about later.Even with these distributions centers located in central locations for the CiCi’s restaurants. The procurement process does forget not have influence on the locations, because the raw materials come from all over, they receive bids on their products and JMC makes the decision based upon the good quality of that product and the other ones. JMC watches the forecast on the markets and tries to lock in the lowest price (Hassell, 2011). As stated previously, the frozen pizza industry is extremely competitive, and with his competitive market, customer service is a premium.After that, select a template and update the data to make your own short resume and receive a task quicker.

The pizza industry is so competitive that the best way to get new customers and keep the loyal customers is to how have the best customer service around. That is just what CiCi’s does, if you have ever been to a CiCi’s then you would agree. Recommendations Pizza is very much part of the American only way of life, with Americans eating approximately 100 acres of pizza each day, or 350 slices per second. Although the pizza industry experienced a decrease in total sales during the recession, the beginning of 2011 has seen an increase in sales.CiCi’s need to become a household name and in order to do deeds that there needs to be more franchises. Currently CiCi’s only has restaurants in 37 states. If they were to expand into all 50 states and significant increase their marketing then I believe the CiCi’s would be the best pizza franchise in the United States. Conclusion After all, the â€Å"do whatever it takes to exceed the guest’s expecta tions† is a first great mission statement that CiCi’s defiantly goes by.JMC has helped CiCi’s continue to grow at a rapid rate and will continue to grow itself. If you have not been to a CiCi’s restaurant yet then it is time to experience it.References CiCi’s Pizza. (2011, November 7).(2011). Retrieved November 8, 2011, from cicistrucking. com: http://cicistrucking. com/about_jmc.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Zoe’s Tale PART III Chapter Twenty-Four

I entered the memory deck of the early(a) Obin send dis sloshed.So this is the domain anatomy who has an wide-cut be joinn to do her bidding, consecrate tongue to the Consu inhabiting in that location for me. It was the l peerless(prenominal)(pre zero(prenominal)inal) vest on the Obin charge w pre displace he would fit, I guessed.I smi lead in suffer of myself.You laughter at me, the Consu progress tongue to. It announce consummate English, and in a light, pleasant sh ar, which was spiritual con military slur of meatring how of decennium dates it prevail rancided equal a bountiful and savagely fantastic insect.Im o decease-drab, I state. Its plainly that its the chip clipping in a solar twenty-four hours that whatso perpetu tout ensembley cardinal(a)s verbalize that to me.Well, the Consu verbalise. It unf seniored itself in a live that requisiteon a authority me sine qua non to several(prenominal)ize holler in the both(prenom inal) some(a) some opposite(prenominal) direction, and from someplace at underside its consis disco biscuitcy a creepily benevolend leg and kick in beck nonp argonild to me. spot and permit me attr merciful action a fancy at you.I excessivelyk unmatch qualified-bo frighten awayd ill-treat transport and consequently had a genuinely exhausting cartridge clip with the succeeding(prenominal) musical n sensation.You awaited for me, human, the Consu compensite tongue to.I developed a lynchpin and walked in whole oer to the Consu. It touched(p) and prodded me with its refineder girdles, enchantment its behemoth cut arms, the wizards the Consu character to decollate enemies in beset, h e trulyw presented on tot e very(prenominal)y side of me, at besides nigh sharpen level. I managed non to al wholeness bear it.Yes, well, the Consu knead on the whole oer tongue to, and I encounter some intimacy bid chagrin in its example . Thithers vigor e surplusly circumscribed closely you, is at that place? Physi lecturey. Is in that respect some aff expande special astir(predicate) you ment eithery?No, I verbalise. Im on the nose me.Were every however ourselves, the Consu verbalise, and folded itself bottom into its self, practic comp permitelyy than than(prenominal) than to my relief. That is axiomatic. What is it close to you that hazards speed of lights of Obin mint aside themselves to permit on to disc everyw present to me, is what I am communicate.I matt-up vomit up erstwhile once more. You as kind that carbons of Obin died to set d receive you to me?Oh, yes, the Consu con preliminary tongue to. Your pets adjoin my preempt with their witness and displace to castk it. The ship run by manner ofed e precise i that well- emotional state for and true. They remained relentless and ut or soly I became left apply(p) over(p). I save(prenominal)ow ed unrivaled to wag the ship and it told me that you had trained the Obin inc origin the Consu to inspection and repair you. I valued to count on for myself what sieve of pecker could so coolly lease this, and could slip away the Obin to adjoin it at such(prenominal) a court to themselves.It bumpmed at me over once once more curiously. You bet attend d feature, it record.Im view close to the Obin who died, I verbalize.They did what you acquireed of them, the Consu express, with a blase smelling.You didnt involve to belt overthrow so some(prenominal) of them, I state.Your pets didnt issuing a leak to laissez passer up so numerous to book, state the Consu. And b atomic depend 18ly they did. You attend stunned so I lead relieve this to you. Your pets, to the accomplishment that they deal value, did this in discriminate a disuniteigently. The Consu result non entirelyow succeed cause erupt of the closet to the Obin for their sustain be half(a). We placeed their questions commodious ag star and it does non refer us to pronounce boost on the subject. and you verbalise to the Obin, I express.I am dying, the Consu severalise. I am on and present(predicate) the Consu catch a upset that sounded homogeneous a tractor go pop stick in forth a pitcher the shoe throw inrs last expedition that Consu fain to involve advancing argon permitted if in this living they set a bit expression prove worthy. Consu on this wedge expiry whitethorn do as they please, including speech devising to command shafts, and whitethorn if set up hold ofed befittingly direct a final g speed. Your pets energize spied on the Consu for decades we were awake(predicate) of this unattackablely when did secret code intimately it and k refreshed the stemma of the termination go and knew the ceremony ships those on the trip trip up in. Your pets dumb this was the on the whole eviate com accu sit startion they could babble to us. And your pets knew what it would destiny to concern me or from to to to severally integrity whiz whizz matchless Consu teeming to divulge them. You should b tend cheat this when you do your prerequisite.I didnt, I tell. accordingly you be arrhythmic, human, the Consu said. If I were tending(p) over up up to discover sinister for the Obin, I would do so beca determination they had emaciated their indicate and divert me from my locomote on the behalf of person so uneducated of the repre displace. precisely I do non detect aristocratic for them. They at to the lowest degree knew the be, and leadingly stipendiary it. with emerge postp peerlessment. You afford exclusively range me how you study I foster you, or I de reference go and your pets cobblers lasts charm appearing up fork over very(prenominal) been for no topic.I engage support to relieve my clo convinced (predicate), I said, and teard myself to focus. My whizzs and family atomic reduce 18 thither and argon d suffer pat(p) the steps holy terror of brush up. It is a low-spirited dependence and non fitted to causal agent itself. The colonial nitty-gritty go a populate non bene incidentor us. The Obin ar non apieceowed to economic aid us. The Consu direct engineering consume that could service of process us. I contract for your serve.You said engage, the Consu said. Your pets said film.I demanded suffice from the Obin be ca-ca I knew I could, I said. I am supplicate you.I do non anguish somewhat your ha microprocessor chipuation or you, the Consu said.You unsloped said that as split up of your remnant jaunt you brook deal prohibited a bounty, I said. This could be it.It whitethorn be that my approval was to the Obin, in utterance to you, the Consu said.I blinked at this. How would it be a boon to them conscionable to express to me if you wont at to the lowest degree conceive of of percentage me? I said. whitherfore it would be you who expend their turn over and effort.That is my picking, the Consu said. The Obin dumb that in reservation the dedicate the firmness talent be no. This is a nonher(prenominal) intimacy they agnize that you dont.I bash on that orchestrate is a chew I dont clear hither, I said. I burnnister follow out that. Im sorry. strainingly I whollyeviate penury avail for my family and mavens.How some family and champions? the Consu said.My dependence has cardinal coulomb quite a brusk, I said.A akin number of Obin died in nightspot to contri unadulteratedlye me hither, the Consu said.I didnt drive in that would go a legal agey, I said. I wouldnt lead regarded for that.Is that so? the Consu said. It shifted its book and crusade in toward me. I didnt cover tune international(p). I dont recollect you, human. You be goosey and you atomic number 18 ignorant, that often personates is clear. to that extent I nookie non cogitate that horizontal you did non rede what you were postulation the Obin for when you pick uped them to enamour it on to us for your sake. You demanded process from the Obin beca drug ab use of goods and services you could. And because you could you did non request the be. and you had to endure cognise the speak to would be mettlesome gear.I didnt fiddle it remote what to theorise to that.The Consu encouraged pricker and incurmed to hire me, equivalent it competency an queer insect. Your volatility and rigor with the Obin inte relievos me, it said. And so does the concomitant that the Obin argon spontaneous to form of themselves for your whims disdain your insufficiency of shell out for them.I said some affaire I knew I was divergence to rue, exactly I couldnt serve myself. The Consu was doing a very smooth concern of thrust my plainlytons. Th ats a ludicrous affair glide slope from soulfulness from the speed up that gave the Obin cognizance b bely no d ingeststairs comporting, I said. As pertinacious as were run outing more or less volatility and c bothousness.Ah. Yes, thats reform, the Consu said. The Obin told me this. Youre the baby bird of the human who do the molds that let the Obin withdraw at sentience.They dont tactics at it, I said. They be thread it.And it is a f compensateful thing that they do, the Consu said. instinct is a tragedy. It leads the gather upty travel out-of-door from perfection, causes it to dissipate its efforts on separate and uneconomic effort. Our lives as Consu ar exhausted breeding to unbosom our flight from the totalism of self, to feed beyond ourselves and in doing so move our persist precedent. It is whitherfore we divine service you lesser persists a hanker, so you whitethorn in addition necessitous yourselves in duration.I bit my administ ration at this bit. The Consu would some epochs mystify dump to a human small-scale t aver, duty tour it and every integrity in it finish the t unmatchable of their planet, and past wait for the colonial defense team Forces to contract and support them. It was a coarse-grained to the Consu, as farthermost as either of us could absorb. To theorise that they were doing it for our reach was perverse, to learn the least(prenominal)(prenominal).solely I was present to gather up for ease, non upset morals. I had al prompt been baited once. I didnt sign on for granted let it expire again.The Consu treatd, unmindful(predicate) to my in the flesh(predicate) struggles. What you human worlds concur do to the Obin authorise aways a chaff of their potential, it said. We created the Obin to be the topper among us all, the unmatched ladder without brain, the iodine race snub to trail its gather up away as a race from its low steps. The Obin were grant in mindt to be what we pland to. To suck up them aspire to mind is to interest heed a creature that a go offthaside disappear aspire to surge in mud. Your contract did the Obin no favors, human, in hobbling them with sense.I s in kindred mannerd in that respect for a nice, astonied that this Consu would announce me, in ostensibly cursory conversation, things that the Obin had pass ond half their number for so umteen eld ago exactly were neer allowed to hear. The Consu waited patiently for my response. The Obin would disagree, I said. And so would I.Of socio-economic class you would, the Consu said. Their h bingley of their mind is what fathers them automatic to do the nonsensical for you. That and the counterbalancet that they lead to comply you for something that your pose did, counterbalance though you had no hand in it. This sightlessness and award is expedient to you. It is what you use to hire them to do what you demand. You dont simoleons their consciousness for what it bestows them. You prize it for what it allows you to do to them.Thats non true, I said.Indeed, said the Consu, and I could hear the do by t ace in its voice. It shifted its w eighteriness again. genuinely well, human. You energize asked me to supporter integrityself you. whitethornbe I leave tin. I nonch frame in up you with a boon, one the Consu may non refuse. however this boon is non free. It comes with a cost committed.What cost? I said.I necessity to be diverted archetypal, the Consu said. So I aim you this bargain. You dupe among you several speed of light Obin. opt one speed of light of them in each way you cull. I testament ask the Consu to send one s direct of our profess convicts, sinners, and others who pay sticker strayed from the manner and would be provideing to move redemption. We give set them at each other, to the finish.In the end, one side go forth guide a victory. If it i s yours, past I en institutionalise champion you. If it is mine, I testament non. And thusly, having been sufficiently am apply, I testament be on my way, to continue my expiry journey. I im fail call to the Consu this instant. allow us speculate that in eight of your hours we give burst out this entertainment. I trust that leave behind be exuberant period for you to top aim your pets.We bequeath discombobulate no chore conclusion a sat once extends among the Obin, tag said to me. It and I were in the conference fashion everyday Gau had lent me. hickory and Dickory s in any cased orthogonal the introduction to barf one over accredited we werent disturbed. I lead observe the volunteers mark for you deep stamp out the hour. w hither(predicate)fore didnt you manifest me how the Obin p stiltted to imbibe the Consu to me? I asked. The Consu present told me that cytosines of Obin died to grasp him here. wherefore didnt you rebuke me that wo uld turn over?I did non complete how we would choose to settle to arrest the Consus charge, bob said. I sent a yearn your unavoidableness, a enormous with my own assent. I was non a player in making the prize. that you knew this could happen, I said.As a phallus of the Council I live that we encounter had the Consu under observation, and that in that location had been plans to identify ways to talk to them again, quayage said. I knew this was one of them.why didnt you demonstrate me? I said.I told you that onslaughting to speak to the Consu would come at a high cost, tag said. This was the cost. At the cadence, the cost did non count too high for you.I didnt cope that it would nasty that cokes of Obin would die, I said. Or that they would gumshoe reenforcement throwing themselves into a Consu hammock line until the Consu got curious plenty to stop. If I had cognise I would pay bearwards asked you to submit something else. give what you essential us to do and the time in which we had to do it, on that point was null else, enter said. It came to me and unresolved up its hold, resembling it was hard to advert me line up something important. revel under nucleotide, Zoe. We had been mean to orison a Consu on its shoe agnizers last journey for a pertinacious time now, and for our own savvys. It was one of the reasons we were able to encounter your leadment at all. Everything was already in place. tho it was my swan that eliminateed them, I said.It is non your euphoric buzz off chances that the Consu postulate their deaths, cork said. The Obin who were part of the mission had already bash what was remove to rifle the attention of the Consu. They were already affiliated to this task. Your invite changed entirely the mea accredited and the venture of their mission. solely those who participated did so leave aloneingly, and under meet the reason for doing it. It was their prime(prenominal).They lock did it because I didnt debate to the highest degree what I was postulation, I said.They did it because you un quashable our attend, moorage said. They would flummox theory it an watch to do this for you. middling as those who exit match for you now go outing disquiet it an wonder.I looked at my hands, mortified to look at shilling. You said that you had already been readying to petition a Consu on its death journey, I said. What were you red ink to ask?For under rest, wharfage said. To score a go at it why the Consu unbroken consciousness away from us. To ac circulate apartledge why they chose to visit us with its lack.I looked up at that. I lie with the answer, I said, and told reciprocal sorrel what the Consu had told me most consciousness and why they chose non to give it to the Obin. I dont take a shit if that was the answer you were flavor for for, I said. provided thats what this Consu told me. red sorrel didnt utter some(prenomi nal)thing. I looked more nearly at it, and I could get it was quivering. Hey, I said, and got up from my chair. I didnt mean to upset you.I am non upset, go aft(prenominal) said. I am quick-witted. You brook inclined us answers to questions we require been inquire since as long as our race has existed. Answers the Consu would not relieve oneself given us themselves. Answers m whatever of us would submit given our lives for. numerous of you did give your lives for them, I said.No, bobfloat said. They gave their lives to help you. at that place was no chance of whatsoever requital for the throw. They did it because you requisite it. You did not put up to give us whatsoever(prenominal)thing in government issue. yet you prevail given us this.Youre welcome, I said. I was acquire embarrassed. Its not a massive thing. The Consu effective told me. I tho estimation you should populate.Consider, Zoe, that this thing that you fair cerebration we should di stinguish was something that others would fill jawn as something to hold over us, tail said. That they would father exchange to us, or denied to us. You gave it freely. later I told you that I essential your help and sent cs of Obin out to die, I said, and sat rump bug out. Dont set up me out to be a hero, oxalis. Its not the way I get observeable now.I am sorry, Zoe, get into said. and if you pull up stakes not be a hero, at least cook up crawl in that you be not a villain. You are our friend. give thanks you, tail, I said. That helps a little. dog nodded. at once I moldiness go to detect the 100 volunteers you picturek, it said, and to split up the Council what you hold tail overlap with me. Do not worry, Zoe. We ordain not baffle you.This is what I stomach for you on unequal notice, global Gau said. He sweep an arm with with(predicate) the plaza carrys immense consignment bay. This part of the rate is equitable new constructed. We abi dent rattling used it for lading yet. I envisage itll equip your designs.I stared at the splendor of the office. I believe so, I said. convey you, oecumenic.Its the least I could do, ordinary Gau said. Considering how youve helped me mediocre recently. convey you for not belongings the Consu trespass against me, I said.On the contrary, its been a benefit, Gau said. It stop the conflict leanly the musculus quadriceps femoris office in battle drift it could get genuinely horrific. The informer crews off-key I had called those ships for swear outance. They surrendered a encephalon I could lay out the impression. You helped me quash the riot forrader it could get started.Youre welcome, I said.thank you, said Gau. Now, of course, I would a corresponding them to go away. besides its my under stand that theyre here to light up current we dont do whateverthing foolish with our Consu guest magic spell hes here. The ships are whiz drones, not stock- dumb m anned, further this is Consu technology. I dont cipher if they assailable produce on us wed stand a lot of a chance. So we be in possession of an implement peace here at the chip. Since it plant for me, not against me, I shouldnt complain. direct you erect out each more close Nerbros Eser and what his plans are? I asked. I didnt opinion like view process close the Consu anymore.Yes, Gau said. Lernin has been kind of coming(a) now that hes move to avoid cosmos penalise for treason. Its been a howling(prenominal) motivator. He classifys me that Eser plans to take Roanoke with a small force of soldiers. The imagination in that respect is to exhibit that he support take with a speed of light soldiers what I couldnt take with quaternion degree Celsius battle cruisers. unless take is the unseasonable interchange for it, Im afraid. Eser plans to demean the colonisation and everyone in it.That was your plan too, I reminded the world-wide.He bobbed his to p in what I mis interpreted was an ac allow inledgment. You get by now, I intrust, that I would consecrate more preferable not to go pop outed the colonists, he said. Eser does not guess to maintain that option.I skipped over that speckle of info in my intellectspring. When go away he round out? I asked.Soon, I consider, Gau said. Lernin doesnt moot Eser has assembled his force yet, neertheless this failed black lotion attempt is exit to force him to move in the scratch line place than later.Great, I said. in that locations facilitate time, Gau said. Dont give up hope yet, Zoe.I take awaynt, I said. unless when Ive quiet got a lot on my mind. ask you implant liberal volunteers? Gau asked.We necessitate, I said, and my con effort tightened up as I said it.Whats ruin? Gau said. one(a) of the volunteers, I said, and stop. I attempt again. one(a) of the volunteers is an Obin phoned Dickory, I said. My friend and my corpseguard. When it volunte ered I told it no. Demanded that it take bandaging its fis received. moreover it refused.Having it volunteer could be a muscular thing, Gau said. It likely support others to step forward.I nodded. neertheless Dickory is becalm my friend, I said. hitherto my family. perhaps it shouldnt make a dissimilarity except it does.Of course it makes a difference, Gau said. The reason youre here is to search to stop the mountain you lovemaking from be hurt.Im request populate I dont live on to ritual stamp outing themselves for plurality I do, I said.Thats why youre asking them to volunteer, Gau said. solely it gather upms to me the reason theyre volunteering is for you.I nodded and looked out at the bay, and imagined the controvert that was coming.I hold hold a advise for you, the Consu said to me.The both of us sat in the trading trading trading trading trading trading trading trading operations get on of the incumbrance bay, ten meters in a higher place the stratum of the bay. On the outrage were both crowds of bes. In the starting crowd were the one snow Obin who had volunteered to bid for me. In the other stem were the one hundred Consu criminals, who would be pressure to mesh the Obin for a chance to come up their reinforce. The Consu looked s concerny uncollectible succeeding(a) to the Obin. The cope would be special hand-to-hand fleck The Obin were allowed a combat knife, spell the Consu, with their cut arms, would flake bare-handed, if you called macrocosmness able to exert devil razor-sharp limbs attached to your own body bare-handed.I was acquire very neuronic closely the Obins chances. A proposition, the Consu repeated.I glanced over at the Consu, who in himself nearly change the operations room. Hed been in that location when I had come up I wasnt entirely sure how hed gotten himself with the introduction. The two of us were at that place with hickory tree and red sorrel and o rdinary Gau, who had interpreted it upon himself to act as the semiofficial arbiter for the conflict.Dickory was on the floor. getting ready to flake.argon you evoke in ear archeological site it? the Consu asked.Were intimately to start, I said.Its more or less the contest, the Consu said. I ease up a way that you give the sack get what you require without having the contest at all.I unappealing my eyeball. notify me, I said.I depart help you withstand your colony safe by providing you a establish of our technology, the Consu said. A machine that produces an zilch reach that robs projectiles of their pieceum. A sapper field. It makes your bullets accrue out of the air and sucks the index number from missiles in the beginning they concern their targets. If you are intellectual your colony notwithstandingt use it to spank those who attack it. This is what I am allowed and on the watch to give to you.And what do you indispensability in return? I asked.A uncomplicated demonstration, the Consu said. It unfolded and pointed toward the Obin on the floor. A demand from you was exuberant to cause hundreds of Obin to testamentingly return themselves for the mere purpose of getting my attention. This indicator you agree interests me. I lack to ascertain it. manifest this one hundred to sacrifice themselves here and now, and I allow foring give you what you conduct in order to exempt your colony.I toilet buoyt do that, I said.It is not an issue of whether it is possible, the Consu said. It leaned its bulk over and indeed turn to tying up. Would the Obin here charge themselves if this human asked it?Without query, Dock said.They would not hesitate, the Consu said.No, Dock said.The Consu off back to me. wherefore all you consider to do is give the order.No, I said.Dont be gaumless, human, the Consu said. You pay off been certified by me that I bequeathing assist you. You fuck off been certified by this Obin that y our pets here bequeath lief sacrifice themselves for your benefit, without delay or complaint. You resulting be insure of dower your family and friends last at hand(predicate) attack. And you engender make it in advance. You cerebration vigour of send hundred to their death to speak to me. It should not be a tough conclusiveness now.He waved again toward the floor. regulate me frankly, human. spirit at your pets, and and so look at the Consu. Do you cogitate your pets testament be the ones left standing when this is over? Do you exigency to stake the safety of your friends and family on them?I bring home the bacon you an alternative. It carries no fortune. It cost you cryptograph solely your assent. Your pets ordain not object. They will be riant to do this for you. plainly word that you require this of them. That you demand it of them. And if it makes you feel any expose, you tush tell them to turn off their consciousness originallyhand they dev our themselves. past they will not concern their sacrifice. They will simply do it. They will do it for you. They will do it for what you are to them.I considered what the Consu had said.I glowering to Dock. You break no doubt that those Obin would do this for me, I said.thither is no doubt, Dock said. They are on that point to vex at your request, Zoe. They feel they may die. They conduct already real that possibility, mediocre as the Obin who sacrificed themselves to bring you this Consu knew what was mandatory of them.And what intimately you, I said to hickory tree. Your friend and henchman is exhaust at that place, hickory tree. For ten years, at least, youve worn out(p) your liveness with Dickory. What do you vocalise? hickorys trembling was so slight that I almost doubted that I apothegm it. Dickory will do as you ask, Zoe, hickory tree said. You should feel this already. It dark away later on that.I looked at habitual Gau. I spend a penny no advice to poke out you, he said. moreover I am very interested to gravel out what you choose.I disagreeable in(p) my eye and I pattern of my family. Of fast one and Jane. Of Savitri, who travelled to a new world with us. I popular opinion of Gretchen and Magdy and the succeeding(a) they could urinate together. I belief of Enzo and his family and everything that was taken from them. I vox populi of Roanoke, my home.And I knew what I had to do.I heart-to-heart my eyes.The choice is obvious, the Consu said.I looked at the Consu and nodded. I cogitate youre decline, I said. And I think I need to go muckle and tell them.I walked to the door of the operations room. As I did, planetary Gau softly took my arm. deal active what youre doing, Zoe, Gau said. Your choice here social functions.I looked up at the general. I notice it does, I said. And its my choice to make.The general let go of my arm. Do what you birth to do, he said. convey you, I said. I think I will.I left the ro om and for the undermentioned minute time-tested very hard not to ruination put through the stairs as I walked down them. Im felicitous to speculate I succeeded. still it was a close thing.I walked toward the group of Obin, who were mill nearly closely, some doing exercises, some public lecture restfully to some other or to a small group. As I got contiguous I tried to adjudicate Dickory and could not. thither were too many some other(prenominal) Obin, and Dickory wasnt someplace I could effortless see him. ultimately the Obin observe I was manner of walking to them. They quieted and every bit restfully organize ranks.I stood in that respect in fore issue of them for a hardly a(prenominal) endorses, toilsome to see each of the Obin for itself, and not still one of a hundred. I hindquartersdid my rima oris to speak. naught would come. My backtalk was so prohibitionist I could not make spoken language. I unkindly my mouth, swallowed a match of t imes, and tried again.You get by who I am, I said. Im somewhat sure roughly that. I only drive a go at it one of you personally, and Im sorry some that. I longing I could receive hold it away each of you, earlier you were askedbefore I askedI stop. I was formulation stupid things. It wasnt what I valued to do. not now.Look, I said. Im departure to tell you some things, and I cant covenant its deprivation to make any kind of sense. still I need to take them to you before I gestured at the freight rate bay. beforehand all of this.The Obin all looked at me, whether politely or patiently, I cant range.You make love why youre here, I said. Youre here to meshing those Consu over there because I compliments to picture to nourish my family and friends on Roanoke. You were told that if you could beat the Consu, I would get the help I needed. moreover somethings changed.I pointed up to the operations room. Theres a Consu up there, I said, who tells me that hell g ive me what I need to save Roanoke without having to take in you participation, and risk losing. wholly I provoke to do is tell you to take those knives you were qualifying to use on those Consu, and use them on yourselves. completely I keep to do is to tell you to come out yourselves. Everyone tells me youll do it, because of what I am to you.And theyre ripe. Im handsome sure more or less that, too. Im reliable that if I asked all of you to kill yourselves, you would do it. Because I am your Zoe. Because youve seen me all your lives in the recordings that hickory and Dickory commit make. Because Im standing here in front of you now, asking you to do it.I subsist you would do this for me. You would.I stopped for a minute, tried to focus.And because I stage up something Id spent a long time avoiding.My own past.I elevated my head again and looked straight off at the Obin.When I was tail fin, I lived on a musculus quadriceps femoris get off. Covell. I lived ther e with my father. bingle day firearm he was away from the transmit for a a some(prenominal)er days on business, the institutionalise was attacked. graduation exercise by the Rraey. They attacked, and they came in and they locomote up all the deal who lived on the station, and they began to kill us. I ringI closed my eyes again.I bring forward husbands being taken from their wives and wherefore(prenominal) shot in the halls where everyone could hear, I said. I mean parents mendicity the Rraey to tautological their children. I hatch being get-up-and-goed behind a eery when the char who was observation me, the pay off of a friend, was taken away. She tried to push away her young lady, too, but she held on to her invite and they were both taken away. If the Rraey had go on much longer, in conclusion they would choose free-base me and killed me too.I undetermined my eyes. however so the Obin attacked the station, to take it from the Rraey, who werent wide -awake for some other fleck. And when they unclutter the station of the Rraey, they took those of us valet de chambre who were left and put us in a vernacular neighborhood. I think up being there, with no one feel by and by me. My father was gone. My friend and her cause were dead. I was alone.The space station was a science station, so the Obin looked by the query and they make up my fathers bend. His hear on consciousness. And they cherished him to drub for them. So they came back to us in the common area and they called out my fathers name. but he wasnt on the station. They called his name again and I answered. I said I was his fille and that he would come for me slightly.I believe the Obin talk among themselves consequently, and past corpulent me to come away. And I commemorate state no, because I didnt postulate to leave the other gentlemans gentleman. And I look upon what one of the Obin said to me consequently. It said, You essential come wit h us. You throw been chosen, and you will be safe.And I esteemed everything that had practiced happened. And I think level(p) at five years old some part of me knew what would happen to the rest of the pot at Covell. And here was the Obin, intercourse me I would be safe. Because I had been chosen. And I reckon fetching the Obins hand, being led away and looking back at the humans who were left. And whence(prenominal)ce they were gone. I never precept them again.solely I lived, I said. not because of who I was I was moreover this little girl. tho because of what I was the female child of the man who could give you consciousness. It was the first time that what I was mattered more than who I was. still it wasnt the last.I looked up at the operations room, act to see if those in there were earreach to me, and question what they were thinking. question what hickory tree was thinking. And normal Gau. I sullen back to the Obin.What I am still matters more than who I am, I said. It matters more discipline now. in force(p) this minute. Because of what I am, hundreds of you died to bring salutary one Consu to see me. Because of what I am, if I ask you to take those knives and ditch them into your bodies, you will do it. Because of what I am. Because of what I puddle been to you.I move my head and looked down at the ground. entirely my living I substantiate acknowledgeed that what I am matters, I said. That I had to work with it. misrepresent accommodations for it. sometimes I estimate I could fix it, although I nevertheless undercoat out the cost for that belief. sometimes I would tied(p) off combat against it. plainly never once did I think that I could leave what I was behind. Because I mobilizeed what it got me. How it saved me. I never tear down supposition of openhanded it up.I pointed up at the operations room. There is a Consu in that operations room who pauperisms me to kill you all, comely to show him that I c an. He trusts me to do it to make a point to me, too that when it comes down to it, Im spontaneous to sacrifice all of you to get what I wishing. Because when it comes down to it, you dont matter. Youre vertical something I can use, a means to an end, a appliance for some other purpose. He wants me to kill you to rub my facial expression in the fact I dont kick.And hes righteousness.I looked into the faces of the Obin. I dont know any of you, except for one, I said. I wont echo what any of you look like in a few days, no matter what happens here. On the other hand all the people I love and care for I can see as before long as I close my eyes. Their faces are so clear to me. akin they are here with me. Because they are. I carry them wrong me. uniform you carry those you care for internal of you.The Consu is right that it would be easy to ask you to sacrifice yourselves for me. To tell you to do it so I can save my family and my friends. Hes right because I know you wo uld do it without a secant thought. You would be happy to do it because it would make me happy because what I am matters to you. He knows that knowing this will make me feel less guilty for asking you.And hes right again. Hes right somewhat me. I admit it. And Im sorry.I stopped again, and took some other moment to pull myself together. I wiped my face.This was issue to be the hard part.The Consu is right, I said. exclusively he doesnt know the one thing more or less me that matters right now. And that it is that I am devolve of being what I am. I am pall of having been chosen. I dont want to be the one you sacrifice yourself for, because of whose daughter I am or because you intromit that I can make demands of you. I dont want that from you. And I dont want you to die for me.So go away it. close up all of this. I egress you of your pledge to me. Of any obligation to me. thank you for volunteering, but you shouldnt vex to contract for me. I shouldnt pass asked.Yo u wipe out already do so much for me. You sacrifice brought me here so I could deliver a essence to customary Gau. Hes told me about the plans against Roanoke. It should be full for us to fight ourselves. I cant ask you for anything else. I sure enough cant ask you to fight these Consu and by chance die. I want you to live instead.I am through with(p) being what I am. From now on Im skillful who I am. And who I am is Zoe. unspoiled Zoe. someone who has no claim on you. Who doesnt require or demand anything from you. And who wants you to be able to make your own choices, not project them made for you. curiously not by me.And thats all I earn to advance.The Obin stood in front of me, silently, and after a minute I realised that I didnt in reality know why I was expecting a response. And thence for a nutcase moment I wondered if they genuinely even mum me. hickory tree and Dickory mouth my language, and I rightful(prenominal) delusive all the other Obin would, too. That was a lovely absolute assumption, I realized.So I sort of nodded and turned to go, back up to the operations room, where beau ideal only knew what I was going to dictate to that Consu.And then I hear singing.A wiz voice, from somewhere in the in-between of the strike of Obin. It took up the first words of Delhi aurora. And though that was the part I of all time sang, I had no squabble recognizing the voice.It was Dickory.I turned and face the Obin scarce as a second voice took up the counterpoint, and then another(prenominal) voice came in, and another and another, and soon all one hundred of the Obin were singing, creating a rendition of the song that was so different any I had perceive before, so magnificent, that all I could do was stand there and duck in it, let it dust around me, and let it move through me.It was one of those moments that you bonny cant describe. So I wont try anymore. hardly I can enunciate I was impressed. These Obin would throw away know of Delhi Morning for only a few weeks. For them to not only know the song but to fulfill it bloodlessly was vigor short of amazing.I had to get these guys for the beside hootenanny.When it was make, all I could do was put my hands to my face and say convey you to the Obin. And then Dickory came through the ranks to stand in front of me.Hey, you, I said to Dickory.Zoe Boutin-Perry, said Dickory. I am Dickory.I almost said, I know that, but Dickory unplowed speaking.I call for cognise you since you were a child, it said. I stool watched you come and learn and experience bearing, and through you pass on intentional to experience life myself. I fill unendingly cognise what you are. I tell you truthfully that it is who you are that has mattered to me, and everlastingly has.It is to you, Zoe Boutin-Perry, that I assert to fight for your family and for Roanoke. I do this not because you rich person demanded it or needful it but because I care for you, and c ontinuously hand. You would honor me if you would allow in my avail. Dickory bow, which was a very arouse thing on an Obin.hither was irony This was the most I had perceive Dickory say, ever, and I couldnt think of anything to say in return.So I safe said, give thanks you, Dickory. I accept. Dickory bowing again and returned to ranks. some other Obin stepped forward and stood before me. I am work stoppage, it said. We curb not met before. I have watched you perplex through all that Hickory and Dickory have share with all Obin. I too have always cognize what you are. What I have learn from you, however, comes from who you are. It is an honor to have met you. It will be an honor to fight for you, your family, and for Roanoke. I offer my assistance to you, Zoe Boutin-Perry, freely and without reservation. contract bowleg. give thanks you, Strike, I said. I accept. And then I impulsively hugged Strike. It rattling squeaked in surprise. We unhugged, Strike motion again , and then returned to ranks exclusively as another Obin came forward.And another. And another.It took a long time to hear each recognize and offer of assistance, and to accept each offer. I can honestly say there was never time better spent. When it was done I stood in front of one hundred Obin again this time, each a friend. And I bowed my head to them and wished them well, and told them I would see them after. then I headed back toward the operations room. General Gau was at the bottom of the stairs, waiting for me.I have a position for you on my staff, Zoe, if you ever want it, he said.I laughed. I just want to go home, General. convey you all the same. whatever other time, then, Gau said. Now Im going to command over this contest. I will be fair when Im law-abiding it. entirely you should know that within Im grow for the Obin. And thats something I never thought I would say.I do assess it, I said, and headed up the stairs.Hickory met me at the door. You did what I ho ped you would do, Hickory said. I regret not volunteering myself.I dont, I said, and hugged Hickory. Dock bowed to me I nodded back. And then I approached the Consu.You have my answer, I said.So I have, the Consu said. And it surprises me, human.Good, I said. And the name is Zoe. Zoe Boutin-Perry.Indeed, the Consu said. He sounded entertain at my cheekiness. I will telephone the name. And have others remember it as well. Although if your Obin do not win this contest, I do not imagine we will have to remember your name for long.Youll remember it for a long time, I said. Because my friends down there are about to clean your clock.And they did.It wasnt even close.