College assignment help
Sunday, August 23, 2020
Friday, August 21, 2020
Essay --
The Time Is Now To Remove Advanced Practice Registered Nurse Scope of Practice Barriers As Americans go into the beginning of the Affordable Care Act of 2014; and the open enlistment time frame has started to permit access to the Health Insurance Marketplace as a major aspect of the U.S. medicinal services change 32 million Americans are required to turn out to be recently guaranteed. It is presently the time that Advanced Practice Registered Nurse (APRNs) extent of training hindrances is nullified to permit APRNs the option to rehearse inside the full degree of their instruction and preparing. APRNs incorporate medical caretaker experts; ensured nurture birthing assistants, confirmed enrolled nurture anesthetists, and clinical attendant pros (Luterek, 2013). The Institute of Medicine (IOM) has energized the expulsion of the APRN extent of training obstructions, to legitimately allow the unlimited capacity to rehearse inside the full level of their instruction and preparing. The IOM noticed that as a huge number of Americans are anticipated to get to social insurance be nefits under the government Affordable Care Act, APRNs ought to be in the front line to give that care (ANA, 2011). As anyone might expect, Nurse Practitioners (NPs) have been giving excellent human services since 1965 (NPWH). Today, more than 125 thousand NPs practice across the country (NPWH), and see more noteworthy than 600 million patient visits every year (ANA, 2011, p. 1). They are legitimately approved to rehearse in every one of the 50 states. NPs are directed through their state's medical caretaker practice act. They experience broad preparing and national board affirmation inside a populace forte, for example, family, grown-up, gerontology, pediatrics, neonatal, intense consideration, ladies' wellbeing or mental wellbeing exhibiting their master information and proceeded with capability (NPWH). The national lack of p... ...ope of Practice Barriers for Illinois Advanced Practice Nurses. Wellbeing and Medicine Policy Research Group. Chicago: Health and Medicine Policy Research Group. Recovered February 8, 2014, from NPWH. (n.d.). NP Facts. Recovered February 10, 2014, from Nurse Practitioners in Women's Health Caring for Women: RWJF. (2013). Putting the Skills, Knowledge, and Experience of APRNs to Full Use Latest Charting Nursing's Future brief spotlights on hindrances to practice and how a few organizations are defeating them. Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. Recovered February 10, 2014, from - information - and-experience-of-aprns-to-full-u.html
Tuesday, July 14, 2020
Story Analisys by Etgar Keret Sample Essay
Story Analisys by Etgar Keret Sample Essay Let’s imagine that someone caught a goldfish. There’s no need in asking that person to tell us what three wishes he or she will make. Why? Because we know in advance that they will answer something like may all be healthy and happy and may peace rue in the world. Let’s consider another situation when that person isn’t in a hurry. Well start all over again. There is no one around. Not a soul. Only one human and the fish. And no one will ever know what he pr she has in mind. Quite other thoughts start to move, don’t they? Let’s consider another person who is over thirty for a long time. In the mirror he or she sees a face with wrinkles, the hair has turned gray or even noticeably thinned out. That human has achieved a lot in life and he or she is tired. Let’s imagine that he or she suddenly appeared again in the parental home and mom hurries him or her to wash hands and sit at the table. And on the table there is already the favorite dish as only the mother knows how to cook it. Its just a dream, and you need to wake up. But maybe you should not rush? How often do you lie? Never!, you will exclaim and you will be right. Of course, this is the most popular answer! And when the truth will hurt someone takes the second place. Well, you can not argue with that either. Most often, we do not even report to ourselves that we are not telling the truth. And, of course, we immediately forget that we lied. And what will you do if you suddenly find yourself in a parallel world created by your long-forgotten lie, the reality in which the invented by you people live and make good? This is how the modern Israeli writer Etgar Keret is unceremoniously tinkering in the readers soul. Kerets story about the golden fish and his question “What of this goldfish would you wish?†is both absurd and realistic. Fantasy interferes with life and makes one realize the reality. Keret makes you experience, and emotions change one another with incredible speed. Then you are sad, sometimes happy, sometimes ashamed, then almost physically hurt, and often its some kind of infernal mixture of love, anguish and something else. Etgar Keret is a recognized master of a short absurdist story. His works can not be taken literally as you need to read it abstracting yourself from reality and believing that the fish can speak, the moon can be just bought and bought for 10 bucks, and that even though the dinosaurs have already died, their eggs have remained in different places and If we find them and we have personal dinosaurs, we can go to school and give them names. Keret’s story about the golden fish won’t be too pleasant for everyone, but it doesn’t leave anyone indifferent.
Thursday, May 21, 2020
How to End a Conversation With Sayonara
Click here for the dialogue for Introducing People. 1. Short Questions When asking information about someones name or country etc., a shortened form of a question is often used. This leaves just the topic, which is said with rising intonation. O-namae wa (nan desu ka).    (What is) your name? ã Šå å‰ ã ¯Ã¤ ½â€¢Ã£ §Ã£ ™ã ‹ã€‚ O-kuni wa (dochira desu ka).   (Where is) your country? ã Šå› ½Ã£ ¯(㠩㠡ら㠧㠙㠋)。 Go-senmon wa (nan desu ka).  (What is) your field of study? ã â€Ã¥ °â€šÃ©â€"ۋ ¯(ä ½â€¢Ã£ §Ã£ ™ã ‹)。 2. How to End a Conversation Sayonara㠕よ㠪ら) is not normally used when leaving ones own home or places of temporary residence unless one is leaving for a very long time. If you know that you will see a person again soon, expressions like Ja mata ã ˜ã‚Æ'㠾ã Ÿ) or Mata ashita (㠾㠟明æâ€" ¥) are used.Shitsurei shimasu (Ã¥ ¤ ±Ã§ ¤ ¼Ã£ â€"㠾ã â„¢) is a formal expression used when announcing that you are leaving someones presence or when you are leaving before someone else (in this case, it is often said as Osakini shitsurei shimasu(㠊先㠫å ¤ ±Ã§ ¤ ¼Ã£ â€"㠾ã â„¢).) It is also used when entering a house or room, passing in front of someone, or leaving in the middle of a gathering. Dewa mata.       See you later. 㠧㠯㠾㠟。      Ja mata.          See you later. (less formal) ã ˜ã‚Æ'㠾㠟。 Mata ashita.       See you tomorrow. 㠾㠟明æâ€" ¥Ã£â‚¬â€š Sayonara.         Good-bye. 㠕よ㠪ら。 Shitsurei shimasu.  I am going to leave. (very formal)  å ¤ ±Ã§ ¤ ¼Ã£ â€"㠾㠙。
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Augustan Poetry Essay - 830 Words
Augustan Poetry Often through hardship and nearly insurmountable difficulty great works of art are born. Although years of bloodshed and civil war had plagued Rome since the death of Julius Caesar, some of the most powerful and influential literature in the western world was developed in that timeframe. During the Age of Augustus (approximately 43 BC – 17 AD) such great writers as Virgil, Horace, Livy, Propertius, and Ovid created epic masterpieces of literature and philosophy. It was through the collective efforts of these great poets and writers as well as Augustus himself, that the rise of a new facet of Roman literature was possible. Seeing the opportunity to foster a great rebirth of Roman culture (specifically literature),†¦show more content†¦The Aeneid in particular â€Å"Romanized†epic poetry. Epic Poetry had been the greatest form of storytelling and furthermore the Greeks form of storytelling. It also rivaled the great legends of the Greeks, gained much respect for Rome in the ancient world (where the Greeks were traditionally the great writers and thinkers), and, most importantly, allowed the Roman’s to make their myth’s and history known. (The Aeneid can be seen as a direct response to the great literature of the Greeks, in particular, Homer’s Illiad and Odyssey). Simultaneously, Horace became a prominent author of skill, prominence, and witty satire and the master of Roman lyrical poetry. Horace’s Epodes, like Virgil’s Bucolics, reflected much of the crisis of Roman culture and society prevalent at his time (from 43-8 BC). A series of choral poems, the Epodes became Horace’s response to the growing problems of his day, as well as a proponent for Augustus’s political party. Both Virgil and Horace based much of their writing style and structure on existing Greek models. Through Horace, like Virgil, Roman literature became more influential (through becoming somewhat unique, yet at the same time generally accepted, being based on Greek structure). Livy, the next great author, wrote a colossal, detailed history of Rome called the Ab Urbe Condita. The book was his greatest achievement, and today stands out as one of the great booksShow MoreRelated Augustan Poetic Tradition Essay4394 Words  | 18 PagesAugustan Poetic Tradition I do not in fact see how poetry can survive as a category of human consciousness if it does not put poetic considerations firstâ€â€expressive considerations, that is, based upon its own genetic laws which spring into operation at the moment of lyric conception. â€â€Seamus Heaney, The Indefatigable Hoof-taps (1988) Seamus Heaney, the 1995 Nobel laureate, is one of the most widely read and celebrated poets now writing in English. He is also one of the mostRead MorePope, Swift, and Aristocratic Women Essay1652 Words  | 7 Pagescriticise the vices and follies of their contemporary society. However, the purpose of satire is to be universal. In this case, we are going to focus our attention on the works of two major poets of the 18th century which can be subscribed within Augustan literature: Alexander Pope’s The Rape of the Lock and Jonathan Swift’s â€Å"The Lady’s Dressing Room†. In Pope’s mock-heroic verse The Rape of the Lock (1717) what is criticised is a moral fault: mainly, immoderate female moral pride. There are severalRead MoreGender and Performance in the Earl of Rochester’s Imperfect Enjoyment1330 Words  | 6 Pagesauthors may demonstrate their fluency with Classical models, while acknowledging thatâ€â€within the courtly context of both Rochester’s and Behn’s poetryâ€â€the identity of the poet is related to the performativity of the poetic persona and the first-person voice. Male sexual impotence would seem at first to be an unpromising subject for poetry, especially poetry which could loosely be defined as â€Å"neo-Classical†and is based on compositional models from the Classical world of ancient Greece and Rome. Read More Similar Attitudes Toward Machinery, Language, and Substance in Wordsworth, Pope and Dryden1262 Words  | 6 PagesWordsworth’s â€Å"Preface to Lyrical Ballads†is from the Romantic Period of British literature, while Alexander Pope’s â€Å"The Rape of the Lock†and John Dryden’s â€Å"Mac Flecknoe†are both from the Neoclassical Period; â€Å"The Rape of the Lock†is from the Augustan Age, while â€Å"Mac Flecknoe†is from the Restoration (â€Å"Literary†). Despite these discrepancies in the time periods that their respective works were produced, however, Wordsworth, Pope, and Dryden express similar attitudes toward machinery, languageRead MoreGreek And Roma n Epistolary Poem Essay1793 Words  | 8 Pagesemotions and feelings. Epistolary poems may be objective or subjective, formal or colloquial, directed to an individual or to a general public. It may take any form from heroic couplets to blank verse. While exploring the origin of epistolary form in poetry, the scholars could peg varied themes being dealt in the poems, from Philosophical concepts to daily mundane activities. Letters is a powerful medium that brings people together. Philosophers, sociologists, literary writers widely use the form ofRead MoreThe sentry2864 Words  | 12 Pagesdescribe the British infantry of the First World War and to condemn the generals who commanded them. The contention is that the brave soldiers (‘lions’) were sent to their deaths by incompetent and indifferent leaders (‘donkeys’). Wikipedia In his poetry, Captain Owen endorses the sentiment expressed by this unattributable phrase: namely, that his infantrymen are lion-hearted volunteers sent over the top of their trenches to certain death by ‘incompetent and indifferent generals’ such as Field MarshalRead MoreLiterary Group in British Poetry5631 Words  | 23 PagesThe history of English poetry stretches from the middle of the 7th century to the present day. Over this period, English poets have written some of the most enduring poems in Western culture, and the language and its poetry have spread around the globe. Consequently, the term English poetry is unavoidably ambiguous. It can mean poetry written in England, or poetry written in the English language. The earliest surviving poetry was likely transmitted orally and then written down in versions that doRead MoreAlexander Pope Essay6204 Words  | 25 Pagesstunted and misshapen and causing him great pain for much of his life. He never married, though he formed a number of lifelong friendships in Londons literary circles, most notably with Jonathan Swift. Pope wrote during what is often called the Augustan Age of English literature (indeed, it is Popes career that defines the age). During this time, the nation had recovered from the English Civil Wars and the Glorious Revolution, and the regained sense of political stability led to a resurgence ofRead MoreRomanticism versus Neoclassicism2775 Words  | 12 PagesThis literary revolution could be characterized as a religion of the heart. Neoclassical writers imitated great poems of the past because of the belief that men had agreed on certain, fixed ways of writing across the centuries. Rules for pastoral poetry, the satire and the epic were respectfully followed. A Neoclassical poets philosophy argued that the best way for humans to communicate effectively and thus move forward in better understanding the world was to agree upon certain conventions. 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De Beers Jewellery Free Essays
Case Introduction De Beers, the so-called cartel in the jewelry industry, is a company that dominates diamond industry. The core operational of De Beers includes diamond mining, diamond shops, diamond trading and industrial diamond manufacturing sectors. De Beers is active in every category of industrial diamond mining: open-pit, underground, large-scale alluvial, coastal and deep sea. We will write a custom essay sample on De Beers Jewellery or any similar topic only for you Order Now The company’s headquarter located in Johannesburg, South Africa. As the vertically integrated diamonds producer, De Beers also controls the power f supply to its ‘sight holders’. The group owns and operates mines in Canada has gained 26% Interest In South African mines through Its partners, operates In more than 20 countries across six continents. Areas of focus are In Botswana, Angola, India, Canada and RASA (South Africa). As the year 2000, the company remained the world’s leading diamond producer and distributor with extensive activities in the value chain of exploration, mining and distribution of rough stones as well as significant influence in processing, manufacturing and marketing. History of De Beers: Cecil Rhodes Era Founder of De Bees, Cecil Rhodes started the company by renting water pumps to diggers with flooded claims during the diamond rush In 1871. He seized opportunities to purchase and consolidate claims and later enter mines. Among the rights he purchased was the right to mine the De Beers brothers farm, whose name became the name if his company. Rhodes used his market position and access to credit to engineer a merger with Barney Barton (who managed to obtain a large stake in Kimberley biggest mine), in 1888 to form De Beers Consolidated Mines. De beers controlled close to 100% of South African diamond output and 90% of oral diamond output. Its position was so formidable that when the company reduced production in 1888, rough-stone process quickly rose by 50%. By 1893, Rhodes had established a single buyer, the Diamond Syndicate. It was also Rhodes, who never married, who conceived of the Idea of diamonds as a symbol of committed romance. Rhodes became the prime minister of Cape Colony In 1890, ad enacted laws benefiting mine owners. The Glen Grey Act effectively relocated native Africans from their lands to make way for industrial development. Rhodes was responsible for laws During his reign, he named the country as ‘Rhodesia’ (Zombie since 1980), and by the ruling time, commissioned railways, bridges, schools and public buildings has emerged efficiently. Rhodes died in 1902. De Beers’ share of rough diamonds had fallen to due to a large discovery at Premier, a competing local mine, though De Beers owned a stake in its production. De Beers stepped up its focus on buying and consolidating mines as opposite arose. While the company would remain without a forceful new leader until the sass, the system put in place by Rhodes endured. Ernest Oppenheim Era Ernest Oppenheim, came to South Africa as a diamond buyer. He would become mayor of Kimberly in 1908 and a member of the South African Parliament in 1924. Oppenheim builds up diamond interest and founded the Anglo-American Corporation in 1924. He then set out to link gold and diamonds, and began purchasing every known diamond mine in the early sass including new fields in Iambi. Oppenheim not only purchased mines, but also established a distribution system independent of dominant De Beers syndicate. Oppenheim began raising the issue of racial problems in Johannesburg, where e lived, and lobbied for creation of modern native villages and social progress for black Africans. As a member of the United Party and a member of parliament, Ernest opposed the Afrikaner nationalist. Unfortunately, the Nationalist Party came into power in 1942. And the era of apartheid, or institutionalized racial discrimination began. Harry Oppenheim Era Harry, son of late Ernest became the CEO of De Beers in 1957 until 1984. Harry was born to an assimilated Jewish family of German origins in Kimberly, the original center for diamond mining in South Africa, and lived most of his life in Johannesburg. Harry Oppenheim was also known for his philanthropy. From 1967, the social investment activities of De Beers were merged with those of Anglo American in the Group Chairman’s Fund. The fund initiated and finances numerous projects that contributed to community development on a large scale in South Africa, particularly in the arenas if education and heals. De Beers was instrumental in establishing a number of schools and technical colleges for black students. Following the Sweet riots in 1976, Harry established the Urban Foundation to improve, directly and wrought legislative reform, the social and industrial environment of urban native Africans. The slogan on ‘Diamond is forever’ was created during his time with De Beers. Nicholas Oppenheim Era In 1985, Harry son Nicholas succeeded him as a Chairman. In addition to diamond trading business and other related profit making activities. Through the sass and sass, De Beers geologist explored in Angola, Australia, Brazil, Bolivia, Canada, China, DRY, Lesotho, Iambi, Russia, Venezuela and Zombie. Through this period, De Beers also expanded its advertising program worldwide; n 1972 in Spain and Brazil; in 1977 in Holland, Belgium, Austria, and Switzerland; in 1979 in Mexico; in 1982 in Singapore, the Philippines, Thailand, Malaysia and Taiwan; and 1984 in India and Korea. In the mid-sass, De Beers has implemented plans to ensure that its mines in Africa met 3rd party certified environmental management standards. De Beers also set aside nature reserves around mining areas in South Africa, Botswana and Iambi and commenced programs to protect rare biodiversity. Problem Statements The end of apartheid era in 1994, has written down several changes in the policies dad in South Africa. The situation become different for the native people where high priority then given to them instead of the Afrikaners. While recognizing that diamond mining had made economic contributions, a growing proportion of policymakers in Africa believed that the diamond industry had not generated sufficient contribution by way of value-added processing activities. Therefore the Minerals Development Bill was drafted by the South African Department of Minds and Energy (DEEM) which would become the county’s new mining law by year 2000 and gibe the state exclusive custodianship of all mineral rights. Then a new policy called ‘Black Economic Empowerment’ (BEE) came into the scene in 2000 with a goal of creating opportunities for previously disadvantaged communities and individuals, including black Africans, women and people with disabilities. In addition to the changes in policies as one of the biggest challenges, a potential threat came into the gem market by the advancing technologies, for synthetic production. Thus, De Beers needed a new strategy to override with both rapidly changing industry environment and new expectations of society. SOOT Analysts Strengths Weaknesses Its reputation of monopoly Strong investment in marketing and advertisement. Good – strong reputation with the ruling government. High operating cost (exploration, mining, sorting and distribution) Issue with mines that are offset with civilization areas. Strong competitors from other brands Opportunities Threat Technology advancement. Backed by government policies to support the health of the industry. Apartheid issue Strong competitors from other brands. Racial issue could cause angry mobs to destroy the mining equipment (loss) De Beers’ 4-legged Strategy First Legged: To improve efficiency and margins from De Beers own operations Second Legged: To stimulate demand of diamond by at least 5% per year. Third Legged: To establish De Beer’s own brand that directly meets the end customer. Forth Legged: Suppliers of Choice (SOC) – to improve efficiency and productivity sight holders. Recommendation Despite having shares in the major mining area since late sass, De Beers should expand/ to make effort to penetrate to new ventures of exploration areas. This is due to demand of synthetic industrial diamonds which is largely used in lots of fields: deiced, drilling tools for oil gas, entertainment industry especially in acoustic devices and others. As a analyses, I couldn’t see any issues of expansion, since De Beers has been the market leader for almost half of the century. In order to manage the societal crisis, De Beers can improve its labor policies by giving more benefits such as insurance, incentives, and other related compensation. Apart from that, the company should determine a minimum wage for its labor, and the company should keep on protecting the rights against child labor which happens to be a serious problem is African continents. To maintain a good CARS, De Beers should implements ways to give back to the community. Prevention campaign such as Hips, poverty and starving which are quite popular in the African countries should be carried out efficiently to ensure that De Beers is the organization that cares, for what it’s worth to public images. It is also important to sustain the efficiently of providing good diamonds to the world, Just for the company to stay relevant in the industry. In order to achieve that, De Beers must focus its core business as the producer of pure diamonds, not only focusing much on synthetic quality. How to cite De Beers Jewellery, Papers
Friday, April 24, 2020
Leadership is More Concerned with People Than Management Essay Example
Leadership is More Concerned with People Than Management Essay â€Å"Leadership is more concerned with people than is management†Do you agree? Explain. It is in my opinion that leadership does show a more personal concern with people than management does. If you refer back to the table in the power point for chapter one you will see the breakdown between management and leadership. In terms of the relationship category it clearly shows for management: Focusing on objects-producing/selling goods and services. Based on position power acting as boss. Where for leadership it shows: Focusing on people-inspiring and motivating followers. Based on personal power, acting as coach, facilitator, servant. The definition of the two goes on further to show the different between the two in reference to the way they respond to people. According to our text leadership is an influence relationship among leaders and followers who intend real changes and outcomes that reflect their shared purposes. Management is the attainment of organizational goals in an effective and efficient manner through planning, organizing, staffing, directing, and controlling organizational resources. Why do you think there is so few people who succeed at both management and leadership? Is it reasonable to believe someone can be good at both? Explain I think so few people succeed at both because many of them never learn to discover themselves to become leaders. Our text states that â€Å"Management qualities are an important foundation for new leaders because the organization first has to operate efficiently. Then leadership qualities can enhance performance. Many people take management classes and get into the workforce being the textbook manager and never learn how to be leaders. To be a leader is to have a personal understanding of yourself and to know what you stand for. I don’t believe it is unreasonable for someone to be good at both, I think it just requires time and experience. My current CEO has both qualities. He manages our company very well as far as making sure his managers are aware of our strategic goals and the direction that the credit union is headed in. We will write a custom essay sample on Leadership is More Concerned with People Than Management specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Leadership is More Concerned with People Than Management specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Leadership is More Concerned with People Than Management specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer As well as being a great leader to have personal relationship with all 200 of his employees. Whenever there is a birth or death in someone’s family he sends flowers and a card. What personal capacities should a person develop to be a good leader versus those developed to be a good manager? To be a good leader one might want to develop the following personal qualities †¢ Enthusiasm †¢ Integrity †¢ Courage †¢ Humility By tapping into these qualities one can make emotional connections with their staff and demonstrate how much of an effective leader they are.
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